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July 12, 2011
Board of Registrars

July 12, 2011

Meeting Minutes - approved 12/6/11

  • Meeting was called to order at 9:00AM
  • Attendees: Claire Golding, Rosemary Fudeman, Anne Littlefield, Lynne Grettum
  • First order of business was to review and approve the minutes from the June 7, 2011 meeting. A motion was made and seconded to approve the minutes as written. Minutes were approved unanimously.
  • Update on Sept 2012 Primary – Lynne advised the Board that Secretary of State Bill Galvin will be changing the Sept 2012 Primary date to avoid holding the election during the Jewish holiday of Rosh Hashanah. No date has been selected yet.
  • Voter Registration Project – A new list of residents who will turn 18 before the March 6, 2012 primary was submitted to the Board. There is a plan that has not been finalized as yet for a Special Town Meeting to be held sometime in early October 2011. The board agreed to limit the correspondence to residents that would be 18 on or before the Special Town Meeting. Once the date is known for the STM the cutoff point for birthdates will be determined. Letter distribution is planned for early August so that we can reach those that are going off to college in the fall. Claire will revise the current letter and send it out to the Board for review. Anne will do the labels and copies of the letter. The Clerk’s office will stuff and mail.
Claire reminded the Board that we discussed getting in touch with Wachusett Regional to coordinate voter registration drives. Lynne will find a contact at the school.
  • Rosemary provided her signature for a stamp that is used in the Clerk’s office when the Board of Registrars must sign Petitions, Nominations, or voter cards.
  • Next meeting will be in December 2011.
  • Motion was made and seconded to dissolve the meeting. Unanimous at 9:34AM.
     Documents Referenced in Meeting: CVR List of residents 18 as of 3/6/2012

Respectfully Submitted,

Lynne Grettum, Board of Registrars Clerk