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December 9. 2010
Town of Princeton, MA
Meeting Minutes
Public Safety Committee
December 9, 2010
Town Hall Annex
Chairman Sulmasy called the meeting to order at 5:00 PM.  Members present were Bill Dino, Jon Fudeman, Stan Moss, Bob Sauer, Charlie Schmohl, and Neil Sulmasy. Also attending were Selectman Edie Morgan, City of Worcester Emergency Communications Director Dave Clemons, Princeton resident Larry Digney, and Town Administrator John Lebeaux

Acceptance of Minutes
No minutes were presented for acceptance.

Meet with Dave Clemons, Emergency Communications Director, City of Worcester:
Neil briefed Dave of the Committee’s work to date relative to the regional dispatch question.

Dave reported that the deed transfer to its new Dispatch location was likely to occur to Tuesday, December 14, and that the City would likely not occupy on July 1, 2011, and that 911 grant awards had been delayed to August –September for first towns to join. Signed Intermunicipal Agreements (IMA) will increase the amount of a grant. An IMA may have a delayed start date. Transitions from local to regional dispatch are likely to be unique by community. There are some draft IMAs being reviewed by some communities. The IMA will define the governance model which is that of Worcester as provider and other communities as customers.

Bob requested that a draft IMA be sent to Princeton.

Dave informed the Committee that Worcester is taking quotes for a third party to perform a system survey of any community that gives its verbal commitment that if were to regionalize it would do so with Worcester. The survey would determine what it would cost for that community to enter into a regional arrangement with Worcester. The survey would also include the cost of agreed upon ancillary services.

Jim asked what the status of the Worcester-Leicester agreement was. Dave responded that this relationship was the farthest along but there is no signed IMA. Dave mentioned that he had met with the Sterling selectmen the previous evening.

Bill Dino asked Dave a variety of questions that he had prepared (attached). All responses were “Yes”.

Dave related that IMC software will be part of the hybrid approach that the City develops. The other necessary software will be determined by what communities join the Worcester system. A likely component would be PAM-NET.

Dave explained that membership in a regional dispatch system allows individual communities to access Dept. of Homeland Security (DHS) grants that could be used to change Princeton’s split high band/low band emergency radio system to a better all high band system with repeaters.

Bob asked if the IMA model will provide for some type of advisory body to provide a structure in which the member towns would be represented. Dave answered that such a body was a future consideration, and that the present draft IMAs circulating call for formal meetings between a member community and Worcester twice a year. He expects there would also be weekly, then monthly conferences once the system begins.

Stan inquired about the physical transfer of lines. Dave explained that it is essentially a Verizon Central Office switching procedure. He discussed the existing dual dial tone system that Worcester currently uses which insures a secondary 24/7  dispatch center that requires no activation to initiate. Princeton could keep its dispatch lines live in town as an emergency backup to Worcester,

Charlie requested Dave confirm that Worcester would train dispatchers in IMC. Dave confirmed. He also inquired about capacity for secure communication to State Police and access to dispatch tapes. Dave confirmed both.

Resident Larry Digney told the committee that he didn’t see the need for a rush to judgment and thought the Town would be better served by waiting for infrastructure and organization to be in place. Dave responded that a community would be completely responsible for the costs to all necessary physical changes to the building if it joined the regional system after the building had been renovated for the initial communities.

Larry voiced his concern that if the town joins a regional system it would not be able to return to its former practice, and expressed his concern over the future operational costs.

Dave Clemons left the meeting after the Committee thanked him greatly for his willingness to provide the Committee so much of his time.

Bill mentioned that he expected that some of his prepared questions would elicit negative replies, and that he was both surprised and pleased that all the responses were in the affirmative.

Charlie mentioned the very different operating models of Princeton Police and Princeton Fire/EMS. He mentioned his concern about trips in and out of Worcester. Other Committee members thought that the number of physical trips would be minimized by web-based applications. Charlie stressed the safety issues raised when there is only one officer on duty and that in such situations the dispatcher is essentially the partner of the patrol officer.

Stan stated his thought that the savings gained by employing a regional dispatch system be used to fund public safety in other areas. Though the Committee seemed to agree to this as a consensus opinion, it was agreed that the Selectmen and/or Town Meeting might not see it that way.

Bill mentioned that the support to the medical component of IMC is being discontinued.

The Committee voted unanimously that Neil is to speak with the two public safety chiefs and after those discussions take place that the Committee recommend to the Board of Selectmen that the Town of Princeton designate the City of Worcester Regional Dispatch model as its preferred option. The Committee further voted unanimously its recommendation that the Board of Selectmen so inform the City of Worcester and it request that the City authorize an implementation study be made to the Town of Princeton at no cost to the town with the agreement that requesting the study in no way binds or obligates the town to join the City of Worcester Regional Emergency Dispatch System.

Future Schedule
The Committee directed John to contact Fire Chief LaPorte to schedule a meeting with him and his officers to hear the Chief’s report on PFD/EMS operations.

Other Business

The meeting adjourned at 7:37 PM by unanimous vote.

Respectfully Submitted,
John Lebeaux,
Town Administrator

Referenced Documents
Operational Questions for Worcester Dispatch (B. Dino)