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2018-11-01 PB min.

Town of Princeton, Mass.        --     Town Hall Annex
PLANNING BOARD   Meeting Minutes--– November 1, 2018,  7:30 PM

Present were:  Chair John Mirick, Ian Catlow, Rud Mason & Ann Neuburg

7:30 PM   Chair opened meeting.
Justin Hebb, the new owner of 2 Mountain Road (“Gregory Store”) was in to talk about possibilities for the building.  He expects to continue the three residential apartments, and use the ground floor for retail and business.  There is some vacant space that he wants to build out.  The Board suggested that he get copies of the ZBA special permit under Section VII.2(D) which allowed Bill Gagnier, the prior owner, to re-establish lapsed grandfathered uses for retail and business, and the Board’s site plan approval decision, and make sure that his plans fall within the special permit and the site plan approval decision.  The Board mentioned that the special permit might require that a new owner obtain a new special permit.  The Board encouraged him to develop a specific proposal, and then discuss that proposal with the Building Inspector, the ZBA, and the Board.

8:15 PM   The Board discussed the Code of Conduct developed by the Select Board for appointed boards, commissions, and committees.  While the Code does not apply to the Board (which is elected, not appointed), it was the sense of the Board that it was surprising that the Select Board felt it was necessary to create a Code of Conduct.

8:30 PM   The Board decided to postpone discussion on possible zoning by-law amendments (site plan review for all marijuana facilities,  large buildings, clear cutting, and trailers) until all Board members were present.

8:35 PM   The Board voted all in favor to approve minutes as amended for the October 18 meeting.

8:40 PM   Board adjourned

Respectfully Submitted:   John Mirick, Chair

Upcoming meetings:     Nov. 15, 2018 and Dec. 6, 2018

Referenced Documents:      Board/Committee Code of Conduct

Marie Auger
Administrative Assistant
Planning Department