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2018-06-27 PB minutes
Town of Princeton, Mass.        --     Town Hall Annex
PLANNING BOARD   meeting Minutes  --– June 27, 2018

Present were:, Chairman John Mirick, Tom Sullivan, Ian Catlow, Rud Mason & Ann Neuburg.

7:35 PM  Chairman opened public hearing for Dan and Cheryl Ervin, Special Permit for Accessory Apartment at 30 Mountain Road. John M. announced that he filed a Disclosure Form with the Ethics Commission Ch. 268A sec. 23(b)(3) because Mirick O’Connell was involved in insurance issues at 30 Mountain Road after the fire and Dr. Ervin was a client for those issues only.

Atty. John Flick, came in with Dan and Cheryl Ervin and presented plans and drawings of the lot with existing structures and proposed interior renovation of a barn into a housing unit of two bedrooms. They explained that the existing barn that they wish to convert into living space will build out at about 3,000 sq.ft. on two floors. They don’t know how much of the “Inn” building will be salvaged, and it could be close in size to the barn’s living space or up to 11,000 sq.ft. This would mean it wouldn’t conform to the size limit on an accessory apartment--no more than half of the “principal” dwelling, whichever that turns out to be. They have acquired a zoning variance from that size limit, issued by the ZBA on June 14.
The barn’s exterior will not change except for more windows and added landscaping. Board members agreed that the buildings are preexisting and the proposed project meets the intent of the accessory apartment provision.

7:45 PM  Chairman opened hearing to public comment and there was none.

7:50 PM  Board closed the public hearing and without further discussion voted all in favor to approve the Special Permit application as submitted by the Ervins, with standard conditions (see written decision).

7:55 PM  Doug Andrysick was in with two ANR plans. Lot 1A on Grow Lane, owned by Jennifer Caswell, was cut out of a 82 acre parcel and has 225’ of frontage and 2.5 acres. Applicant paid $100.
        Lot 3A and 4A were re-configured at 15 Stagecoach Road, owned by Ken & Deb Johnson. Lot 3A now has appx. 6 acres and Lot 4A now has appx. 24 acres. Applicant paid $200.

8:15 PM  Board members considered a new meeting time as Select Board wants Wednesdays. Times will change to 1st and 3rd Tuesdays starting Sept. 4 & 18.

Board discussed the potential for local marijuana regulations in light of the state recently issuing licenses for recreational use.  State regulations, especially around site security, and the permitting requirements, are strict and expensive, and doesn’t come under agricultural use under state law.
Board members concluded that any recreational marijuana retail facility, in a Business or Industrial zoning district, be controlled the same way as a liquor license and would be subject to Site Plan Review. As main concerns would be esthetic considerations, a visual buffer may be the ultimate solution. It was noted that any host agreement may have very specific conditions.

8:50 PM  Board voted all in favor to approve minutes of June 6.

9:15 PM  Board adjourned.

Respectfully Submitted:   Marie Auger, Admin. Assistant

Upcoming meetings:     July 18, 2018

Referenced Documents:     Application, plans and materials for accessory apt. special permit from the Ervins; Disclosure Form for Ethics Commission (260A 23 B3); site plan of 30 Mountain Road. Regulations for state licensing of recreational marijuana facilities.

Marie Auger
Administrative Assistant
Planning Department