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2018-05-29 PB min.
Town of Princeton, Mass.        
PLANNING BOARD   meeting Minutes  --– May 29, 2018

In Town Hall Annex; present were:, Chairman John Mirick, Tom Sullivan, Ian Catlow, Rud Mason & Ann Neuburg.

7:30 PM   John M. opened meeting.

Group scrutinized 11 Mylar pages showing the new roadbed in East Princeton. It was evident that all the land takings to widen the roadway are mostly narrow strips along pavement edge encroaching into front yards. These all appeared to be easements, and not fee-simple land takings, which would require ANR endorsement, so the board questioned why they were asked to sign an ANR endorsement.
        T.A. Nina N. came in to explain that a section in front of Mechanics Hall and a strip at Sawyer Field were land takings in fee, which required the ANR endorsement. This is necessary even though all land involved is owned by the town.

Members voted all in favor to endorse the ANR and signed the single signature block on the first Mylar.

Marie gave a brief report of circumstances at 30 Mountain Road.

7:45 PM  Board adjourned.

Respectfully Submitted:   Marie Auger, Admin. Assistant

Upcoming meetings:     June 6 & (possibly) 20, 2018