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2018-01-17 Pl.Bd. min.
Town of Princeton, Mass.        
PLANNING BOARD   meeting Minutes  --– Jan. 17, 2018

In Town Hall Annex; present were: Chairman John Mirick, Ian Catlow, Tom Daly, Tom Sullivan and Rud Mason and alternate Ann Neuburg.

7:30 PM   John M. opened meeting and discussed continuation of the public hearing for Verizon for modification of a Special Permit to co-locate on the cell tower at 194 Worcester Road. He reported a discussion on administrative matters with Verizon’s attorney, Carl Gehring. There was a change in federal telecommunications regulations in 2012 that allows co-location on existing cell towers by right—so a discretionary “special permit” cannot be required assuming there are no site changes. The new law favors more uses on existing towers instead of building more towers.
Verizon contends that its project shouldn’t be held up because of lapses by American Tower in meeting conditions of the original consent decree.
        John M. pointed out that if no one can articulate the reasoning behind a particular condition, there may no longer be any reason for it. He also shared the phone number for Atty. Gehring so abutters could speak to him directly with any questions or concerns before Feb. 7.

7:40 PM  At the request of Verizon, the board voted all in favor to continue the hearing to Feb. 7, 2018 at a time after the meeting begins at 7:30 PM

7:50 PM  Board discussed a request about town-owned land, as potential for municipal development, and a map of same—Ian had a sample. Board agreed that town may use work hours banked with CMRPC to create new maps if necessary.
Group continued discussion on proposed sign by-law. Ian C. shared several life-size samples of wayfinding signs, printed on paper, showing font heights of 4” and 6.” Rud brought up examples he’s observed in northern New England that had more quaint/rustic look than the very plain/contemporary samples at hand, which are generally seen on highways. Group will check out the East Princeton historic village sign on Main Street there. Rud—and anyone else--may bring photos of examples from this and other towns.
John M. has invited the Advisory Committee in to the Feb. 7 meeting, to discuss proposed sign bylaw along with business owners who will be invited by mail.

8;10 PM   Board voted to approve minutes from January 3, 2018, with Ian C. and Tom D. recused as they were absent.  It was announced that the town Caucus will be March 7 in the Annex—Tom D. will step down so there will be a two-year term to fill.

8:15 PM  Board voted all in favor to adjourn.

Respectfully Submitted:   Marie Auger, Admin. Assistant

Referenced Documents:  Sign samples and list of town-owned land.

Upcoming meetings:     Feb. 7 & 21, 2018

Marie Auger
Administrative Assistant
Planning Department