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2019-05-02 P.B. min.

Town of Princeton, Mass.        --     Town Hall Annex

PLANNING BOARD   Meeting Minutes--–

May 2, 2019,  7:30 PM

Present were:  Chair John Mirick, Ann Neuburg (clerk), Tom Sullivan and Rud Mason. Ian Catlow was absent.

7:30 PM   Chair opened meeting.

Jennifer Caswell, 32 Grow Lane was in to have an ANR plan endorsed. She handed in the Form A copies and a check for $100.00 for creation of a 3.5 acre backlot (no frontage) to be transferred to an abutter. John M. pointed out that there had been a question about title, as a title search firm had difficulty pinpointing exact details in this group of abutting properties. The town assessor discovered what seemed to be two lots overlapping. Ms. Caswell indicated that the surveyor who drew her ANR plan had moved a boundary line so as to eliminate the apparent overlap.
        John M. noted that the Form A for an ANR endorsement needs to be requested by the owner of record of the lot being subdivided. The board therefore agreed to add a note on the Mylar and paper copies to read:  “This ANR endorsement does not imply verification of title.” With this done, the board voted all in favor to endorse and signed the Mylar and copies.

8:00 PM   Roger Brooks was in to discuss a 37.5 acre parcel of land in the corner of Old Mill Road and Ball Hill Road. He displayed a “concept” plan drawn onto an ANR plan from 2006 showing multi-family housing off Old Mill Road and a cluster of house lots off Ball Hill. He wanted to know what the Pl. Bd. Would support for development of the land, and the group discussed senior housing as a pressing need. Ann N. explained the challenges as she’s been very involved in this issue.
There was also discussion about the status of Old Mill Road, and Marie reported that the town has recently completed extensive research about it, owing to another Old Mill landowner inquiry. The conclusion was that the town never owned or maintained Old Mill Road. Town staff checking the site found its condition to be that of an abandoned cart road and does not support vehicular traffic. It would not meet the definition as a “way” for lot frontage or “adequate access” under the state’s ANR requirements.

The group considered a request from the Dearborns at 358 Mountain Road concerning renting their home, short-term. John M. noted that the state is considering a registry and the AirB&B issue has resulted in the possibility of communities being able to tax property owners, in line with current lodging/hotel taxes.

The board voted all in favor to approve minutes for the meeting of April 4, 2019.

8:40 PM   Meeting adjourned

Respectfully Submitted:   Marie Auger, admin. Assistant

Referenced Documents:     ANR plan and Form A from Caswell.