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2019-01-03 PB min.

Town of Princeton, Mass.        --     Town Hall Annex

PLANNING BOARD   Meeting Minutes--–

January 3, 2019,  7:30 PM

Present were:  Chair John Mirick, Rud Mason, Ian Catlow. Absent were Ann Neuburg, Tom Sullivan

7:30 PM   Chair opened meeting..
John M. distributed draft samples of zoning changes based on discussions from previous meetings. These suggestions involved Sect. XII “site plan” adding that site plans be required for any version of the cannabis industry and for any structure with a footprint over 10,000 sq.ft. Also, in Sect. VI a provision could be added to increase setbacks for that size structure, to 100’ from frontage line and 60’ from side/rear lot lines.
        In addition, in Sect. VII, 3., the regulations around trailers and mobile homes might be rewritten to prohibit them from (permanent) residential use.

7:45 PM  The Board voted all in favor, to approve minutes for the Dec. 13 meeting

Regarding zoning changes, the board considered having a preliminary meeting—maybe in February--before the public hearing, and inviting all residents and the Advisory Cmte.

At the December meeting, a site plan requirement was considered for forestry clear cutting, to prevent erosion into abutting properties. The situation at 30 Mountain Road has raised this as a potential problem at other steep sites. The question came up about who would regulate or enforce a review. The goal is to protect neighbors, and parameters could be adopted for when regulation kicks in, such as clear-cutting of anything over a certain percentage-grade, or a change in vegetation, or anything within certain setbacks from property lines. The group tabled the issue until all members are present.

8:35 PM   Board adjourned

Respectfully Submitted:   Marie Auger,  admin. assist.

Upcoming meetings:     Jan. 17, Feb. 7 & 21, 2019

Referenced Documents:      Draft samples of zoning changes