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2017-11-01 PB min.
 Town of Princeton, Mass.       
PLANNING BOARD    Minutes  --– Nov. 1, 2017

In Town Hall Annex; present were: John Mirick, Rud Mason, Ian Catlow, Tom Sullivan, and Tom Daly plus alternate Ann Neuburg.

7:30 PM   Board briefly reviewed issues around the two public hearings before ZBA on Oct. 19. John M. had submitted letter to ZBA for the hearing that describes any site plan concerns at Nimrod League at 168 Coal Kiln Road and J & S Automotive at 184 Worcester Road. The ZBA decisions subsequently reflected all conditions as noted in the letter.
        P.B. members voted all in favor to approve site plan-related issues as they are included in the Special Permit from the ZBA dated Oct. 19, 2017 for the Nimrod League of Holden on Coal Kiln Road.
        P.B. members voted all in favor to approve site plan requirements as included in the Special Permit from the ZBA dated Oct. 19, 2017 for J & S Auto Repair at 184 Worcester Road.
        John M. noted that since the fence is gone from 194 Worcester Road, in front of Hunt & Gather, property owner Bruce Jacobson could come in to continue to move forward with plans for landscape/traffic control feature along road at frontage line—adding that traffic issues are a police matter.

Continued discussion on proposed sign by-law and related issues. Board will meet with BOS on Nov. 13 and later with Advisory Committee to review draft zoning articles. Group reviewed photos of business signs from Rutland with white lettering and teal/green or russet backgrounds—focusing on a design template for size, color, background, font for directional signs each business would pay for.

Ian C. agreed to answer a survey from CMRPC on town statistics.
7:55 PM   Board agreed to meet Dec. 6 in Town Hall (not Annex) as (probably) only meeting in December Voted all in favor to approve minutes of October 18, 2017.  

8:00 PM  Board voted all in favor to adjourn.

Respectfully Submitted:   Marie Auger, Admin. Assistant

Referenced Documents:  Working draft of signage bylaws; Photos of sample signs; Decisions from  ZBA for special permits.

Upcoming meetings:    Dec. 6, 2017; Jan. 3 & 17, 2017

Marie Auger
Administrative Assistant
Planning Department