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2017-10-04 PB min.
 Town of Princeton, Mass.       PLANNING BOARD    Minutes  --– Oct. 4, 2017

In Town Hall Annex; present were: John Mirick, Tom Sullivan, Rud Mason and Tom Daly. Ian Catlow was absent.

7:30 PM   John M. opened meeting. Doug Andrysick came in with ANR for Caswell on Grow Lane. It cuts a 2.5 acre lot with 225’ frontage out of large parcel which is left with 82 acres and original house. Board voted all in favor to endorse and received Form A and check for $100 as ANR fee for one new lot.

7:50 PM  Discussion continued on John Diethelm moving F&S Automotive from Holden to 184 Worcester Road, into Building #7 with no changes to the building footprint.
Applicant is having a public hearing on Oct. 19 with ZBA. The board previously outlined the conditions that a site plan should incorporate, and that would likely be covered in the special permit. This includes a plan showing parking and access/egress; limitation on number of vehicles being stored pending work; hours of operation; and, ensuring that any added outdoor lighting be downward-facing. Group considered limit on unregistered vehicles parked outside, and may suggest four as maximum. Also hours of operation—when business is open to public—may be “normal” timeframe such as 7 AM to 7PM as maximum. These are simply guidelines which ZBA may choose to apply or not.
The board suggested that the applicant address these conditions in his special permit from ZBA and then present it to the Planning Board, as the ZBA conditions may be sufficient for site plan approval.
Nimrod League on Coal Kiln Road also seeks a special permit with the ZBA on Oct. 19. The club is expanding the shooting-range structure so as to spread out the stalls and orient them in the same direction, not add new ones. They are also doing interior site work to separate and better define different areas of use. With no site changes involving traffic patterns or anything visible from Coal Kiln Road, the board had no input for the ZBA.
        After reviewing the requirements in the “Site Plan Review,” John M. offered to craft a letter for ZBA outlining the Planning Board’s suggestions.

8:15 PM  John M. distributed the latest version of Section XXII “Signs.” And he will attend an upcoming BOS meeting.
        Board decided to use the Landmark for legal notices and the daily T&G when there is a time crunch for a project or applicant, as the T&G offers more flexibility but has smaller pool of subscribers in town.

8:25 PM   Board members Tom S. and John M. voted to approve minutes of September 20, 2017.  

8;30 PM  Board voted all in favor to adjourn.

Respectfully Submitted:   Marie Auger, Admin. Assistant

Referenced Documents:  Working draft of signage bylaws

Upcoming meetings:   Oct. 18; Nov. 1, 2017

Marie Auger
Administrative Assistant
Planning Department