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2017-06-07 PB min.
Town of Princeton, Mass.        PLANNING BOARD    Minutes  --– June 7, 2017

In Town Hall Annex. Present were: John Mirick, Tom Sullivan, Rud Mason & Ian Catlow. Advisory Committee present: Chair John Shipman, Jim O’Coin, Bill Lawton, Judy Dino and Wayne Adams.

7:30 PM   John M. opened meeting and explained background of the signage bylaw that was passed over at ATM. The Pl. Bd. needed to clarify specifications regarding signs because the previous building inspector interpreted some details differently than the board members did. The goal is for clarity (in the bylaw) more than anything else. John S. asked about temporary, seasonal (mainly) agricultural signs. Jim O. suggested that sandwich board signs didn’t need much regulation—if any—because they were iconic and reflected a classic, rural style which fit the intention of the bylaw.
        The Adv. Cmte. members contended that there was a disconnect between what bylaws described and allowed and what was actually in use around town. They noted the regular appearance of remote signs in certain locations. All agreed that business and commercial property owners need to be included in future discussions. They had been personally invited before, to the original info sessions, but some individuals proved difficult to reach.

8:35 PM  Advisory Cmte. adjourned.
Pl. board voted all in favor to approve minutes of May 17 with minor word change in 4th paragraph.
        The group turned to goals for the coming year. Group agreed to check 2007 Master Plan and see which goals have been met. One issue is finding ways to encourage or initiate senior/affordable housing. Some discussion followed about “friendly” 40B projects in which BOS works in conjunction with a developer to bypass local zoning to open the door for construction of compact senior housing such as Wachusett House.  Also, the board anticipates creation of a new environmental committee, as was approved at annual town meeting. Once members are in place the PB would like to get them into a P.B.meeting in September.

8:50 PM  Voted all in favor to adjourn.

Respectfully Submitted:   Marie Auger, Admin. Assistant

Referenced Documents:  Copies of proposed signage amendments (Art. XXII) to the zoning bylaw.

Upcoming meetings:  June 11 w/BOS; June 21; then, July 19 as only meeting in July

Marie Auger
Administrative Assistant
Planning Department