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2017-06-21 PB min.
Town of Princeton, Mass.        PLANNING BOARD    Minutes  --– June 21, 2017

In Town Hall Annex. Present were: John Mirick, Rud Mason, Tom Daly & Ian Catlow with Tom Sullivan absent. Alt. member Ann Neuburg also in.

7:30 PM   John M. opened meeting and board members except Tom D. voted in favor to approve minutes of June 7, 2017.  Board signed signature form for Worc. Reg. of Deeds.

7:35 PM  Group focused on signage bylaws and specs & regs for sandwich board signs. Referring to the previous meeting with Advisory Cmte. members, Rud M. noted that the Adv. Cmte. members may not have been familiar with the current sign bylaws so the reasoning behind the proposed changes was not very clear. There was no consensus between the boards about how to regulate sandwich board signs, especially potential “crowding” of them along a commercial property roadside.
Rud explained the history of Post Office Place—with disclosure about his father being the developer/property owner. The property owners at commercial sites can dictate many things which the town cannot, such as “taste” and architectural/signage style. Rud added that signage evolved over time with the needs of individual tenants, albeit (mostly) within the parameters of zoning. He also noted that Princeton’s bylaws are just brief and flexible enough to be subject to a certain amount of discretion (with enforcement).
8 PM  Group discussed sandwich board size and eight square feet was proposed, with a limit of one per business and that signs would only be placed outside during business hours. They then focused on signage for home occupations, as it’s currently limited to two sq.ft. which is not practical. The suggestion was to change it to six sq.ft. for all signs in Res.-Agr. Zone. The signage bylaw has a list of exemptions and the group discussed adding educational or informational kiosks, bulletin board/menu posting structures to the exemptions.
Referring to directional signs for businesses such as those used in Vermont, the board considered adopting something similar. Businesses could pay for the town to provide them, making them consistent in size/style/color etc.
Marie will forward Ian C. and Tom D. names to CMRPC.
8:35 PM  Voted all in favor to adjourn.

Respectfully Submitted:   Marie Auger, Admin. Assistant

Referenced Documents:  Proposed signage amendments (Art. XXII) to the zoning bylaw; discussion points.

Upcoming meetings:   July 19 is only meeting in July

Marie Auger
Administrative Assistant
Planning Department