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Town of Princeton, Mass.        PLANNING BOARD  
Minutes  -- Regular Meeting – February 1, 2017

7:30 PM   Chairman Tom Daly opened the meeting in Town Hal Annex with John Mirick, Rud Mason, Richard Bisk and Tom Sullivan along with alternate Ann Neuburg.

Jen and Jay Shenk were in for preliminary meeting to explain their plans for 69 Mirick Road, and distributed an architectural plan. They are remodeling a master bedroom suite into an inlaw apartment and need a special permit. Board members asked that the square footage be verified in future plans. The public hearing is set for March 1, 2017.

7:42 PM  Board voted all in favor with Richard Bisk abstaining, to approve the minutes of January 4, 2017.

Discussion continued on signage regulations and several business owners and property owners were in attendance. John M. explained what was different between the current bylaw and the proposed articles—mainly standardizing sign sizes and consolidating all sign references into a single section (XXII) in the zoning bylaw. Anything in the public way is under jurisdiction of BOS. Design criteria has not been changed.
Proposed regs require building inspector to approve signage plans in business/Industrial districts, to ensure they meet zoning and also not interfere with traffic sight-lines.
Robert Peura, 80 Calamint Hill road, explained that he sells Christmas trees and uses seasonal signage. He was concerned about temporary sign regulations. The new regs set a limit of 21 days but he stated that his business needs a longer  timeframe, maybe at least 30 days.
Bruce Jacobson asked about flags used by businesses, announcing “open” or “sale” etc. he also asked about 3-dimensional designs that incorporate signage, such as using an antique vehicle as the base.
There was discussion about home occupations and an extra sign on the house in addition to one at the curb, as directional signs are allowed.
Several voiced resistance to the proposal to involve the building inspector. They saw it as an extra application, and an unnecessary layer of requirements.
Board members agreed that these were all useful suggestions and they would consider addressing them.
The public hearing is set for March 1 at 7:45 PM.

8:15 PM  Ann N. reported on the recent CMRPC meeting in Worcester that she attended. It outlined the city’s DOT and how public transportation was modernizing.

Next meeting is scheduled for Feb. 15, 2017
8:25 PM  Voted all in favor to adjourn.

Respectfully Submitted:   Marie Auger, Admin. Assistant

Referenced Documents:  Proposed zoning bylaws; Jen and Jay Shenk 69 Mirick Road, architectural plans

Marie Auger
Administrative Assistant
Planning Department