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Oct. 5, 2016
Town of Princeton, Mass.        PLANNING BOARD  
Minutes  -- Regular Meeting & Public Hearing – October 5, 2016

7:30 PM   Chairman Tom Daly opened the meeting with John Mirick, Tom Sullivan, Richard Bisk and Rud Mason along with alternate Ann Neuburg. Members voted all in favor to approve minutes from Sept. 21
7:35 PM  Chairman opened public hearing for Verizon Wireless and read public notice aloud. Atty. Earl Duval was present as counsel for Verizon to explain the project, essentially co-locating cell phone equipment onto the existing monopole at 154 Houghton Road, on a tower owned by Crown Castle and on land owned by Nancy Hubbard. Tower is 144’ tall and Verizon’s installation will be mounted below receivers of AT&T and Sprint, at an elevation of 119’ from ground level. A new equipment hut will also be installed onto a concrete base within the existing fenced base area. Atty. Duval showed maps illustrating cell coverage currently and post-installation.
        John M. asked about use of a crane and possible impact on town roads. He suggested that same verbiage from a similar decision in 2012 be used.
        When public comment was opened up, resident Andy Brown asked about the chance of receivers being installed on the west side of town, but no such plan is being currently considered by Verizon, Duval noted.

8:00 PM  Board voted all in favor to close public hearing and deliberate. Using same conditions from 2012 decision, the board considered a new “continuous removal” (insurance) bond submitted by Verizon dated October 2016 for $50,000.
        Planning Board voted all in favor to approve the amended Special Permit for 154 Houghton Road cell tower. John M. agreed to submit a draft document which members can sign at next meeting.

8:10 PM  Discussion moved to signage regulations--John M. had distributed copies of proposed signage bylaws. Still considering sign area as percentage of wall surface; attached vs. free-standing; special rules for agricultural, etc. Issue of multiple businesses in one location may use existing model at Post Office Place, with individual names on freestanding sign at property entrance, plus flush-mount signs at each business and/or a hanging sign. Size also an issue, may be limited by road frontage, property size (acreage) or floor area of building(s). Group agreed to only regulate exterior signs. Current standards for design don’t need to change, and group noted that “spot” lighting could be from any direction, illuminating a sign face.
        Group agreed to exempt from zoning, anything under town general bylaws, including signs on town property, some temporary signs, flags, political signs and Rud suggested dropping any reference to house numbers.

9:00 PM  Voted all in favor to adjourn.

Respectfully Submitted:   Marie Auger, Admin. Assistant

Referenced Documents:  Submission plans, maps and application from Verizon; zoning and town bylaws.

Marie Auger
Administrative Assistant
Planning Department