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Aug. 10, 2016
Town of Princeton, Mass.        PLANNING BOARD  
Minutes  -- Regular Meeting – August 10, 2016

7:30 PM   Chairman Tom Daly opened the meeting with John Mirick, Rud Mason, Richard Bisk and along with alternate member Ann Neuburg. Tom Sullivan was absent.
Doug Andrysick along with landowners David and Susan Hall brought in form A and plans for ANR lots at 14 Gregory Hill Road – Red Bars Farm. A new 2-acre building lot was created just west of the existing house, with 225’ of frontage that includes a panhandle along the road that wraps in front of the existing house’s lot. The board voted all in favor to endorse the plan and Mr. Hall submitted a check for $100. Signed Mylar for applicant to take to registry and signed three copies of plan with Form A for town records.
7:45 PM  Mr. Andrysick then presented an ANR plan for the corner parcel at Hubbardston Road and Calamint Hill road North that Mass Audubon Society as part of the Fieldstone Farm project is selling to Don Petersen.  John M. recused from the proceeding. The plan is to create two building lots.  There was sufficient frontage.  The Board voted all in favor (John M abstaining) to give the ANR endorsement.  The Board signed Mylar and paper copies.  Check from Petersen for $100 received.
Mr. Andrysick then presented Mr. Petersen’s request for site plan approval under the  Rural Preservation Overlay District By-Law which covers 300’ in from the center line of Hubbardston Road. Applicants outlined several constraints on both lots, and need to locate septic systems near the Calamint Hill Rd. frontage, where there are a few trees and a stone wall. The ANR Plan created lots A2-1 and A2-2--all of A2-1 is in RPOD. Board voted all in favor,(John M. abstaining), to approve site plan under RPOD.    A RPOD Site Plan Review Decision will be drafted for reviewing and signing at the September 7 meeting.
8:30 PM  Bruce Jacobson came in to discuss upgrades and a new tenant at 194 Worcester Road. He is removing chain link fence along frontage and installing foliage in its place with both driveways to remain in place. Also attending was Peter Gutterman with an idea to use a rear building for a racket-sport merchandise facility. As this visit was not on agenda, discussion was preliminary and Bruce J. will be in for site plan review at next meeting on Sept. 7

9 PM  Tom D. agreed to postpone discussion on signage and BandB issues to Sept. 7 meeting.  Board voted all in favor to approve minutes from July 20. He displayed a real estate sign at 2’ x 2’ as an example for comparison with the 2 sq. ft. limit in R-A zoning.

9:10 PM  Board voted all in favor to adjourn.  

Respectfully Submitted:   Marie Auger, Admin. Assistant

Referenced Documents:  Form A and plans for two ANR submissions; zoning and town bylaws; preliminary site plans from 194 Worcester Road.

Marie Auger
Administrative Assistant
Planning Department