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March 2, 2016
Town of Princeton, Mass.        PLANNING BOARD  
Minutes  -- Regular Meeting – March 2, 2016

7:30 PM   Chairman Tom Daly opened the meeting with John Mirick, Rud Mason, Richard Bisk along with alternate Ann Neuburg.
Board considered amending the site plan approved on March 18, 2015 for Steve Bukowsky for Hunt & Gather at 194 Worcester Road. He explained additions he would like to his current site plan, specifically, use of the function room at end of building. At about 24’ x 31’ (744 sq.ft.) there are opportunities for classes, small gatherings/celebrations, indoor farmers market, etc. Group discussed parking, and property owner Bruce Jacobson said there’s open space that could accommodate 200 cars, but there are no marked spaces. The approved hours of operation are now 11 AM – 5 PM Wednesday – Friday. Group agreed to amend that to 6 AM – 9 PM 7 days/week. Steve B. outlined plans for an outdoor farmers market and possible locations around the building. The board asked him to come back with a detailed plot plan to identify parking; to find out maximum capacity of the function room, and the procedure for trash removal.

8 PM  Board then looked at site plan review of Dawn’s Delights in space adjoining Hunt & Gather. Dawn Ertel was in and distributed a completed application and floor plan for her coffee shop/café. She requested a provision for outdoor seating, such as two picnic tables, and ability to extend service to breakfast/lunch/dinner. Board decided on maximum outdoor seating for 20 and expanding hours of operation.
Board voted all in favor to approve site plan for Dawn’s Delights with conditions as stated on the Hunt & Gather site plan with the addition of “outdoor seating for up to 20,” and subject to approval of these conditions by building inspector John Wilson. The vote also authorized the chairman to sign the site plan decision.
8:15 PM  Board addressed Steve’s original site plan and voted all in favor to amend it to allow expanded hours of 6 AM - 9 PM, 7 days/week and approve use of the function room with capacity limited to the number allowed by state building/fire code. He will return for the farmers market issue on March 23 at 8 PM.
        Board voted all in favor to waive any fees for the current site plans at 194 Worcester Road, as there was no public hearing process or special permit requirement.

8:25 PM  Mark Ayotte came in regarding telecommunications zoning, in response to a letter from the building inspector that asked all work on the WiFi equipment be ceased until the Planning Board requirements for any permitting was satisfied. He described his “improvements” on WiFi poles. Also in were Jim Whitman, chairman of PMLD Commission, and PMLD Manager Brian Allen. Mark showed the board photos of the pole equipment on his tablet. He is replacing old parts with newer, better equipment and stated that all 25 poles are eventually getting replacement equipment. The visual aspect will not change. Also, upgrades at huts on mountain and at PMLD will not visibly change. He described technical aspects of upgrades and internet services offered to subscribers, with option for 25 MB. All upgrades will be completed just using existing poles. Jim W. provided a lengthy explanation about the difference between 4G and 5G technology.
        Brian Allen described the WiFi towers as fiberglass utility poles--used to carry electrical line as well as internet antennae. At 90’ in height, they are mounted 12’ into the ground and each cost $13,000 when originally purchased. In June 2011 the internet business was sold to Ayacht Technologies, which owns the upper portion of each pole. PMLD and Verizon are still also co-owners of the poles.

8:55 PM  Board agreed that no special permit would apply to the WiFi pole upgrades, since there was no visible change, although construction of a new pole/equipment may be subject to a special permit under the telecommunications zoning bylaw. Board voted all in favor to forward a memo to Building Inspector John Wilson indicating that the Planning Board would require no permit applications or amendments for the work Ayacht Technologies is currently proposing.
9:15 PM  Board voted all in favor to approve minutes from Feb. 17. Ann N. offered to attend CMRPC meeting on March 10 as no one else is available. Noted that CMRPC is hosting a meeting on disaster preparedness in the Annex on March 30 at 9 AM.
        Some discussion about the Berube food trailer and how zoning addresses a different use on the Mechanics Hall property. They reviewed a letter from 2007 from town counsel that went into great detail about the issue.

9:30 PM  Board voted all in favor to adjourn.  

Respectfully Submitted:   Marie Auger, Admin. Assistant

Referenced Documents:   Letter to Ayacht from bldg. inspector; Letter from town counsel from 2007; site plan documents/applications from Hunt & Gather and Dawn’s Delights;

Marie Auger
Administrative Assistant
Planning Department