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January 20, 2016
Town of Princeton, Mass.        PLANNING BOARD  
Minutes  -- Regular Meeting – January 20, 2016

7:30 PM   Chairman Tom Daly opened the meeting with John Mirick, Rud Mason along with alternate Ann Neuburg. Richard Bisk and Tom Sullivan were absent.

        Doug Andrysick in with Marie Kincaid to discuss their “As-Built” plan for the Paradise Place subdivision. The original plan was from 2007 and re-submitted verbatim in 2012. Board reviewed the report dated Jan. 11, 2016 from Jim Shuris, P.E., who had reviewed the original plan w/waivers and was enlisted by the applicant to check the as-built to ensure all work is done as indicated. His report indicated that the as-built is accurate in reflecting all site work and is in compliance with the definitive plan. The board voted all in favor to accept the as-built plan and approve completion of the private roadway, subject to the Conservation Commission issuing a certificate of compliance.
The board has also received proof of recording from the Registry of Deeds, as town was not previously done—the Book & Page for the subdivision plan decision recorded on 1/9/2013 is Book 50261; page 340, 341. Marie A. will forward a notice to the applicant indicating that the Planning Board approved the As-Built Plan subject to the Conservation Commission issuing a certificate of compliance. When that is complete, building permits may be issued.

 7:40 PM  Group discussed food truck parked at Mechanics Hall. Owner Robert Berube should come in for site plan review as a new use on town-owned land. Question raised about using town property and if state procurement rules apply, which would require a ‘request for proposals’ process. Town meeting may have to approve rental/lease or change of use on town property. All agree that zoning narrative puts Mechanics Hall lot in the Business Zone, so a map correction will be presented at ATM. Board reviewed what should be done first, and site plan review can happen immediately. Anytime town property is used (by others) it requires approval from BOS. Selectmen have stated that the truck may continue in that location until all issues are settled out, which won’t happen until ATM. Also, the building inspector should initiate the need for site plan review.

7:50 PM  Board discussed the Hunter & Gatherer antique/consignment shop at 194 Worcester Road, which has added a café serving limited food items. Multi-use is allowed in the Village Overlay District, but as a separate use, it may need site plan review, as it must comply with safety and health codes, and under Zoning Sect. XIX  6. A. it needs a special permit for different use within one building. Group discussed reducing fee for public hearing (currently $400.) to cover actual costs, in line with scope of such a small business.
        At future meeting, consider fee schedule and have café owner, Dawn Ertel, come in.

8:20 PM  John M. reviewed the Telecom Bylaw as it relates to the town’s WiFi poles which are now a commercial operation under Ayacht. Zoning language defines a tower as a “wireless communications facility used by a commercial telecommunications carrier to provide telecommunications OR DATA SERVICES.” Therefore, Ayacht may need a special permit for any physical expansion of the operation—such as new towers, which require a building permit plus special permit.

Administrative Business

8:45 PM  Board voted all in favor to approve Dec. 16, 2015 regular meeting minutes.

8:50 PM  Board voted all in favor to adjourn.  

Respectfully Submitted:   Marie Auger, Admin. Assistant

Referenced Documents:   Subdivision plans and documents for “Sadie’s Paradise”/Paradise Place. Draft versions of proposed zoning changes.

Marie Auger
Administrative Assistant
Planning Department