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Oct. 14, 2015
Town of Princeton, Mass.        PLANNING BOARD  
Minutes  -- Regular Meeting -- October  14, 2015

7:30 PM  The meeting was opened by Chairman Tom Daly. Also present were:
Tom Sullivan, Rud Mason, John Mirick & Richard Bisk along with alternate Ann Neuburg
Board considered ANR for Richard Macomber on Mirick Road. Buyer Bruce Thurston seeks to extinguish lot line separating two abutting lots to form one lot of 4 acres and 568.5 ft. of frontage. Doug Andresick presented plan with paper copies and explained that topographical conditions precluded building on both lots separately. Board voted all in favor to endorse plan and sign Mylar w/copies and received check for $100. from Mr. Thurston.
7:45 PM  The board considered a proposal from Steve Cullen for mixed use at 194 Worcester Road, wanting to know if residential use co-located in a commercial-use building would be allowed under the new mixed use zoning overlay if everything is located on the ground floor. The bylaw specifies residential on an upper floor. It was unclear exactly what Mr. Cullen was specifically proposing—which actual site or scope of project—but the board agreed to notify him that what he described was not currently allowed and would require a variance if pursued.
Regarding a request from Jim Camp for an extension to his B&B special permit from Oct. 2013, the board considered the possibility that permits from other entities such as Board of Health and Fire Dept., were not secured and that was a condition of the S.P. They decided they wanted to talk to Mr. Camp and find out what is going on with the B&B project. They voted all in favor to extend his S.P. for one month from Oct. 14 and ask him to attend the next PB meeting on Oct. 28.
8:05 PM  The group discussed a written opinion which John M. received from Town Counsel Judy Pickett regarding Verizon’s request to install cell phone receivers on the new public safety telecom tower. Town Counsel advises that  Verizon would need a variance since it doesn’t conform to the commercial use specifications as outlined in the bylaw. John M. noted that the town would need to issue an RFP and applicants would need to get a zoning variance from ZBA and special permit from PB.
Board discussed various scenarios under the OSRD bylaw. Tom D. questioned the home foundation footprint limit of 30 percent on any building lot, and if OSRD was exempt. A question came up about the definition of setbacks under Section XIV, 13, (E). the group concluded that the intention was for 100’ from houses on abutting properties and not within the subdivision, as regular setbacks are already 60’ minimum. John M. agreed to craft clarification of the wording for the Annual Town Meeting in May. Discussion continued as Tom D. pointed out possible loopholes or confusing sections of the OSRD and other dimensional specifications. After some discussion, the board concluded the depth of the required 225ft frontage for a conforming lot could be any dimension as long as there is a 50' wide path from the street~to the building envelope, where all other dimensional requirements must be met.
Administrative Business
Board voted all in favor to approve Sept. 16, 2015 regular meeting minutes; reviewed mail.

9:10 PM  Board voted all in favor to adjourn.  

Respectfully Submitted:   Marie Auger, Admin. Assistant

Referenced Documents:   ANR Form A and lot plan; zoning bylaws; maps; memo from town counsel; emails from Jim Camp and Steve Cullen; comments from town counsel.

Marie Auger
Administrative Assistant
Planning Department