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Sept. 16, 2015
Town of Princeton, Mass.   ---          September  16, 2015

PLANNING BOARD  – Minutes  -- Regular Meeting

7:30 PM  The meeting was opened by Chairman Tom Daly. Also present were:
Tom Sullivan, Rud Mason & John Mirick & Richard Bisk.
        The group discussed a written opinion from Town Counsel Judy Pickett regarding Verizon’s request to install cell phone receivers on the new public safety telecom tower.
        There is a “no commercial use” condition in the tower’s special permit from the Planning Board, which the PB could amend with a public hearing. Also, state procurement law would require that the proposal go out to bid. Pickett’s memo indicated that for the town to enter into a lease agreement, approval from Town Meeting would be required—the PB questioned that in light of leases at Princeton Center, as one example.  The board also wanted to know if the tower would need an increase in height to accommodate Verizon equipment—Marie would find out.
        John M. offered to communicate with Ms. Pickett for some clarification.

8 PM  Board reviewed assessor maps of the Bus./Industrial zones to determine if setbacks as outlined in the proposed “Adult Entertainment” zoning were practical. John M. had drafted some bylaws and restricted Adult Uses to just the Bus./Ind. Zones in town, with a number of setback requirements to facilities such as schools, churches and residences. The group identified potential parcels—in both Ind. zone areas--that were large enough to accommodate these setbacks.
        Group discussed particulars of the special permit: it must be renewed every two years.  A new permit is required for a change of ownership. Also, options for hours of operation were discussed but it was decided to keep original limit of 9 a.m. to midnight.
        A public hearing will be scheduled for January or February.
Rich Bisk reported on the CMRPC open house in Worcester, welcoming a new executive director and meeting the 30 staff and interns in the office.

Administrative Business
Board set meeting dates of Oct. 14 & 28 since John M. would not be available for Oct. 7. They voted all in favor to approve Aug. 26, 2015 regular meeting minutes; reviewed mail.

8:30 PM  Board voted all in favor to adjourn.  

Respectfully Submitted:   Marie Auger, Admin. Assistant

Referenced Documents:   Zoning and assessors maps; memo from town counsel; draft zoning bylaws for “Adult uses.”

Marie Auger
Administrative Assistant
Planning Department