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June 24, 2015
Town of Princeton, Mass.   ---          June 24, 2015

PLANNING BOARD  – Minutes  -- Regular Meeting

7:30 PM  The meeting was opened by Chairman Tom Daly. Present were:
Richard Bisk, Tom Sullivan, John Mirick & Ann Neuburg as alternate. Rud Mason was absent.

Noted that Kyle Zelley could not record his site plan or its extension at the Worc. Reg. of Deeds as they expected a 20-day appeal period signed off. This may not be included in the original document as it was not a public hearing, but a public meeting, with different regulations. Marie will research minutes of 1/18/12 decision and forward to Zelley and/or Reg. of Deeds.
Steve Zottoli in with ANR to split his new houselot at corner of Mountain and Thompson roads, with new lot 8+ acres fronting on Thompson road. Board voted all in favor to endorse. Zottoli paid $100 for creating one new lot.
Report from Tom S. on preservation plan for Smith Farm with 300 acres on both sides of Hubbardston Road. Both he and John M. are on the Princeton Land Trust, and will have to recuse themselves on any votes concerning the site. The PLT is coordinating an effort with Mass. Audubon to enter into an option to buy for one year, with $3 million being considered. Tom said Audubon considers this a “significant goal” and might be able provide bridge funding up front to be paid back in pledges or other fundraising. There may be LAND grant funding; (state) agricultural restriction purchase; and, may utilize revenue from houselot sales in an Open Space Residential Design or Backlot Development

Zoning Updates/changes
Board discussed a suggestion from building inspector John Wilson to implement zoning for “adult entertainment,” since it could currently go anywhere in Business or Industrial zone such as East Princeton or Worcester Road. Other communities have designated industrial areas, and board reviewed example from Westminster, which John M. noted had good definitions, but set-back/buffer dimensions (distance to residential) would need to be customized for Princeton. He offered to re-craft the sample bylaw to fit Princeton’s zoning map and figure out possible set-back requirements
Some discussion considered zoning regulations for solar and wind installations, noting that state law has certain regulations and exemptions from local zoning.
Tom and Rich both attended the CMRPC Annual Meeting with Karen Polito as keynote speaker.

Administrative Business
Tom Sullivan & Ann Neuburg signed  “signature form” for Reg. of Deeds.

Board voted all in favor to approve May 27, 2015  regular meeting minutes; the chairman reviewed mail.

8:25 PM  Board voted all in favor to adjourn.  Next meeting is July 22.

Respectfully Submitted:   Marie Auger, Admin. Assistant

Referenced Documents:   ANR plans with Form A; sample bylaw from Westminster.

Marie Auger
Administrative Assistant
Planning Department