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May 27, 2015
Town of Princeton, Mass.   ---          May 27, 2015

PLANNING BOARD  – Minutes  -- Regular Meeting

7:30 PM  The meeting was opened by Chairman Jon Fudeman. Present were:
Richard Bisk, Tom Daly, John Mirick & Ann Neuburg volunteering as alternate. Tom Sullivan was absent.

Administrative Business
Booklet of Zoning Bylaws as updated at May 2015 Annual Town Meeting were distributed, with note that this “draft” had not yet been approved by state attorney general office.
Board briefly discussed how to re-organize officers, then voted all in favor to elect Tom Daly as chairman; John Mirick as vice chair and Rud Mason as secretary. They also voted to appoint Ann Neuburg as P.B. alternate and will request that Selectmen do the same as required.
Board voted all in favor to appoint Richard Bisk as Princeton rep on Central Massachusetts Regional Planning Commission (CMRPC) and Tom Daly as alternate.
Voted all in favor to send Tom and Rich to CMRPC Annual Meeting on June 11 and pay bill ($20 ea.).
Board signed  “signature form” for Reg. of Deeds but still pending Tom Sullivan.

Zoning Updates/changes
To accommodate wider options for that neighborhood, PB has considered extending Business zone in East Princeton to include Mechanics Hall; or creating a Village Overlay District in East Princeton.  Faith Pistrang came in for Friends of Mechanics Hall to explain her letter which requested that zoning not be changed from its current Residential-Agricultural.
        She outlined her group’s vision for the building, preferring to keep it town-owned and open for community uses such as classes, dances, get-together etc. They fear that if it’s zoned for business it may make it more likely to get sold, and even with a deed restriction to protect the façade/exterior, they are not inclined to see it put to commercial/business/office use.  They also feel that it is more likely to win grant monies if it is a municipal building.
Board discussed a suggestion from building inspector John Wilson to implement zoning for “adult entertainment,” since it could currently go anywhere in Business or Industrial zone such as East Princeton. Other communities have designated industrial areas, and board will review examples from other towns, as well as considering zoning regulations for solar installations.

8 PM  Board voted all in favor to approve April 22, 2015  regular meeting minutes; the chairman reviewed mail. The board voted all in favor to hold one meeting each month through summer, and scheduled June 24; July 22 and August 26.

8:15 PM  Board voted all in favor to adjourn.

Respectfully Submitted:   Marie Auger, Admin. Assistant

Referenced Documents:   Zoning Bylaws for 2015; CMRPC invitation/invoice; letter from Faith Pistrang.

Marie Auger
Administrative Assistant
Planning Department