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April 22, 2015
Town of Princeton, Mass.   ---          April 22, 2015

PLANNING BOARD  – Minutes  -- Regular Meeting

7:30 PM  The meeting was opened by Chairman Jon Fudeman. Present were:
Richard Bisk, Tom Daly, John Mirick & Ann Neuburg.

Administrative Business
7:42 PM  All in favor to approve April 1, 2015  regular meeting minutes; the chairman reviewed mail. The board voted all in favor to postpone and combine the May 6 and 20 meeting dates to May 27.

New Business
Board members briefly discussed zoning definitions, and the possibility of considering zoning regulations for solar installations.

Public Hearing
7:45 PM  Jon F. read the hearing notice and opened the Public Hearing for Scott Parsons special permit for an existing accessory apartment at 17 Coal Kiln Road. Applicants Scott and Estenia Parsons were the only ones present. Board members went through the zoning conditions for an accessory apartment and the property met most of them. The applicant wants to have separate electrical service installed for the basement apartment, which is 600 sq.ft.; one BR, one BA and entry door walks out to the back yard.

8:12 PM  With no comments from anyone else, Jon F. closed the public comment segment and the board deliberated. After some discussion they decided on several conditions that the special permit will require, especially: any extra means of egress will not face the road frontage; the Fire Dept. must approve alarm systems and the septic system must meet Board of Health and Title V requirements, all required by the occupancy permit issued by the building inspector.
8:18 PM Board members voted all in favor to approve the special permit with conditions.

~Old Business
Jon f. noted that the PB budget does not currently need to include funding for consulting services for any Worcester road projects.

8:30 PM  Board voted all in favor to adjourn.

Respectfully Submitted:   Marie Auger, Admin. Assistant

Referenced Documents:   S.P. application and Site Plan for 17 Coal Kiln Road

Marie Auger
Administrative Assistant
Planning Department