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April 1, 2015
Town of Princeton, Mass.   ---          April 1, 2015

PLANNING BOARD  – Minutes  -- Regular Meeting

7:30 PM  The meeting was opened by Chairman Jon Fudeman. Present were:
Richard Bisk, Tom Daly, John Mirick & Ann Neuburg. Alternate Rud Mason was also present.

New Business
Kyle Zelley came in regarding Mountainside Market. He owns the real estate but has sold the business, and now needs to do the exterior alterations for the current tenant. He is using a site plan that was approved in March, 2009 and modified in January 2012—and not recorded, as there was no requirement to record site plans then. The work outlined in 2012 was never done and mainly involved switching a door and a window and creating an ice cream walk-up window, add a new exit and moving counters around.  Because of the change in operations, he had not been able to do the work within two years.  He made a written request to extend the site plan approval.
        The board voted all in favor to allow an extension of the 2012 site plan, extending the deadline for construction to begin by Dec. 31, 2015. There were no other changes in the terms and conditions of the 2012 approval. As part of the extension, the board required that Kyle record the extension with a copy of the 2012 approval at the Registry of Deeds, and do so by May 1, 2015.

Administrative Business
7:42 PM  All in favor to approve March 18, 2015  regular meeting minutes except R. Bisk who was not at the March 18 meeting; the chairman reviewed mail. The board signed the Site Plan Review for 194 Worcester Road which was approved at the March 18 meeting.

Public Hearing
7:45 PM  Jon F. opened the Public Hearing for three zoning articles proposed for Town Meeting warrant slated for ATM on May 12. John M. explained Section XIX “Village Overlay District” of the bylaws which was approved at the 2014 ATM but the text that accompanied the article was not included in the warrant, so it will be voted into the bylaw on this warrant. He outlined wording for the actual motion. He then described how the earth removal article was researched and gleaned from other towns, using the most applicable elements. Earth removal will require site plan approval to ensure that any mined site is returned to an acceptable condition and appearance. John also explained the need to clarify the “Setback” sections and switch in the word “building” instead of “structure.”
        With no comments from anyone else, Jon F. closed the hearing with no further discussion.

~Old Business
The board voted all in favor to move the April 15 meeting to April 22.

8:10 PM  Board voted all in favor to adjourn.

Respectfully Submitted:   Marie Auger, Admin. Assistant

Referenced Documents:   Request for extension from Kyle Zelley; drafts of warrant articles for 2015 ATM. Site Plan Review for 194 Worcester Rd.

Marie Auger
Administrative Assistant
Planning Department