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Nov. 5, 2014

Town of Princeton, Mass.   ---          Nov. 5, 2014

PLANNING BOARD  – Minutes  --  Regular Meeting

7:30 PM  The meeting was opened by Chairman Jon Fudeman. Present were: Tom Daly, Ann Neuburg, John Mirick, Richard Bisk and alternate member Rud Mason. Sean Conway attending.

New Business  

Board discussed potential for development of 20 acre parcel (Pederson Family owned) on Worcester Road. Engr. Bill Hannigan coming in to discuss residential development of the parcel at next PB meeting on Nov. 19.
Mr. Conway reported that the interior portion was wet woods and it sloped down very gradually towards the east. Frontage can accommodate four ANR lots at 225’ each.

Old Business

Clarifications of zoning bylaws for ATM in May 2015:

After having done some research, John M. suggested changing the word “structure” to “building”, as used in Sect. VI, 1. (D) & (E) which outline front and side setbacks. The bylaw’s definition of “structure” is very broad and specific. As such, it was untenable as used in Sect. VI, 1. (D) & (E),
John M. distributed a draft for a proposed Earth Removal Bylaw since the town zoning currently allows it in all districts with a special permit, but no mention of regulations or guidelines. Mr. Mason and Mr. Conway both have experience in site work and excavation and provided much useful information. Mr. Conway pointed out that Princeton probably doesn’t have much in the way of large-scale, high-value, gravel/sand deposits and believes the best sites may have already been mined.
Board members went over the draft point by point, and John M. thanked everyone for their input and said he would take all comments and edit the draft further. Board members thanked John M. for all his work on putting this draft bylaw together.

Administrative Business

Board decided to approve minutes of Oct. 1 at the next meeting on Nov. 19

9:00 PM  Board voted all in favor to adjourn

Respectfully Submitted:   Marie Auger, Admin. Assistant

Referenced Documents:  Princeton Zoning BYLAWs May 2014

Marie Auger
Administrative Assistant
Planning Department