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Sept. 17, 2014
Town of Princeton, Mass.   ---          Sept. 17, 2014

PLANNING BOARD  – Minutes  --  Regular Meeting

7:30 PM  The meeting was opened by Chairman Jon Fudeman. Present were: Tom Daly, Ann Neuburg, John Mirick, and Richard Bisk. Rud Mason was in attendance, as he anticipates serving as PB alternate member.

Old Business

There being no printed agenda, Chairman Fudeman listed 4 topics to be covered:

Definition of term nursery – The board discussed multiple aspects of defining the term for use in bylaws. Without a definition in the bylaw glossary, the OED interpretation is used, which may not be the interpretation desired. Action item: John F. to draft a definition.

Map of Village Overlay District – The board voted unanimously to accept the map. Action item: John F. to confirm the acceptance with Matt Franz at CMPRC.

Bylaw text on (next?) warrant – The entire text of the bylaw passed at the May Annual Town Meeting was not read into the record. In order for the bylaw to be accepted, it must be read in its entirety at Town Meeting. Action item: John F. to ask John Lebeaux and Lynn Grettum for assistance to get the reading of the bylaw on to the next warrant.

Earth removal bylaw – The existing bylaw restricts removal to a given quantity without a permit, but provides no additional guidelines to the permit granting board (ZBA). Princeton has rich gravel deposits. Led by John Mirick’s draft discussion points, the board, along with Mr. Mason, discussed a variety of aspects (minimum acreage, maximum active excavation area, traffic, noise and dust abatement) of earth removal activities. Action item: John M. to create next draft.

Other Business

Sight line obstruction – Members of the board reported that a large truck was parked in the space reserved for compact vehicles in the front of Gregory Store. Action item: John. F. will contact the owner Bill Gagnier.

9:08 PM  Board voted all in favor to adjourn

Respectfully Submitted:   Ann Neuburg, Secretary

Referenced Documents:  Draft discussion points EARTH REMOVAL BYLAW

Marie Auger
Administrative Assistant
Planning Department