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April 16, 2014
Town of Princeton  – April 16, 2014
PLANNING BOARD -- Regular Meeting

7:30 PM  The meeting was opened by Chairman Tom Daly. Present were: Ann Neuburg, Richard Bisk, Jon Fudeman and John Mirick. .

New  Business

The board discussed an offer from the transportation staff of the Central Massachusetts Regional Planning Commission to conduct a 2014 Bicycle and Pedestrian count as part of a regional program. Although numbers would be small in Princeton, board decided there may be future benefits including support with bike routes or bike lanes/trails, and [at least] establishing base line numbers would be useful. Voted all in favor to request a bike count for Route 62 from Sterling line to Hubbardston line. A request will be forwarded.

~Old Business
Jon F. recused himself and board noted that Moderator Harry Pape suggests that the Citizens’ Petition be submitted in its original form and that a citizen request a “friendly amendment” on the floor to replace the ‘footage’ wording with the ‘parcel boundary’ wording. John M. suggested a script to reflect that procedure, for a citizen making the motion to use.
Board members then considered a PB Report for ATM provided by Tom D., modeled after similar report from two years ago. Board members signed the report to state their support of all articles except the Citizens’ Petition, with Jon F. recusing himself as a signatory.  
John M. distributed a draft dated 4/14/14 and titled “Planning Board Explanation of Zoning Changes” to use as a hand-out for ATM, along with a draft of the Citizens’ Petition with Track Changes in red, for the moderator, Advisory Board, BOS and town administrator.

Other Business

Administrative Business

8:05 PM  Voted all in favor to approve April 2 Regular Meeting minutes; reviewed mail

Discussed future meeting dates, noting individual absences won’t negatively impact a quorum. Considered canceling a meeting in July and in August. Chose the May 21 meeting to elect officers and finalize summertime dates.
8:57 PM  Adjourn

Respectfully Submitted:   Marie Auger, admin. assistant

Referenced Documents:  “Planning Board Explanation of Zoning Changes” dated 4/14/14; Worcester Road citizens’ petition in Track Change format; PB Report to submit for ATM; letter from CMRPC; draft of Town Warrant Articles;  Worcester Road Bus. Dist. & zoning maps

Marie Auger
Administrative Assistant
Planning Department