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March 5, 2014
Town of Princeton    PLANNING BOARD -- Regular Meeting -- March 5, 2014

7:05 PM  The meeting was opened by Chairman Tom Daly. Present were: Jon Fudeman, Ann Neuburg, Richard Bisk and John Mirick.

Board re-opened site plan review with Bill Gagnier  of Gregory Hill Realty Trust. He came in with Atty. Tom Bovenzi with his site plan for 2 Mountain Road that supplements a special permit from the ZBA on Jan. 30. John M. had asked to see evidence from the engineers as to why they approved this layout and the PB members visited the site on Saturday, February 22.
The board discussed their observations (from the site visit) of the parking spaces (3) on the building’s south side, which are directly off Gregory Hill Road. They determined that a large vehicle parked at the western edge would block line-of-sight from Mountain Road.
Atty. Bovenzi submitted a list of five proposed conditions and the board added one that specified downward-directed exterior lighting. The board voted all in favor to approve the site plan with the six conditions.
The board voted all in favor to submit an article for the ATM warrant and set April 2 as the public hearing--with Jon F. abstaining. The article would seek to change the zoning map and related text so that, essentially, the Business District boundary would not bisect lots 33-5 and 33-4 at the northern end or lot 21 at the southern end, or whatever is necessary to fix the zoning boundary onto current lot lines at both northern and southern ends.
The board voted all in favor to approve minutes of Feb. 19, 2014

7:45 PM  Chairman Daly opened the public hearing for zoning change articles for the May 13 ATM warrant, with Jon F. recusing himself.  John M. gave an overview of the proposed articles using maps projected up on the screen. Tom D. opened the floor for questions from the room.
Jeff Yaglou, 171 Worcester Road, asked about extending the business district into the large, empty lots at the north end of the zone. John Jorjorian, 212 Worcester Road, described how long-past tenants in the Jakay business park had polluted the groundwater and his well had tested for benzene. He asked about potential environmental impacts of commercial development. Rosemary Fudeman made a case for setting the business district boundary at P.O. Place rather than Stagecoach Road since there are house lots in between that should be zoned R-A -- they don’t meet zoning for lack of frontage. Comments supporting her case came from Laura Settles of 208 Worcester Road and Denise White of 225 Worcester Road. The main goal that was voiced was to change the only large tract of open land—20 acres on Lot 46—on the east side of Worcester Road, from business to R-A, while the Planning Board proposal keeps that parcel zoned business and changes houselots south of Hickory Drive (north).
Sean Conway of 5 Hickory Drive opposed his own lot changing from Business to R-A since he bought the land because of the zoning. Jon Fudeman of 224 Worcester Road noted that there was plenty of vacant business space and the 20 acre parcel on Lot 46 will probably get built out as residential anyway, so it may as well get changed to R-A.
John M. moved on to an explanation of the “housekeeping” items in the first proposed article.

8:50 PM  Tom D. asked for any more comments and hearing none, the board voted all in favor to close the public hearing.
        The board agreed to post a meeting concurrent with the ATM in case they have to deliberate or vote as a board. They briefly discussed the details of correcting the zoning map and the associated text description, in anticipation of the April 2 hearing.

9:00 PM  Board voted to adjourn

Respectfully Submitted:   Marie Auger, admin. assistant

Referenced Documents:  Worcester Road zoning maps; graft of Town Warrant Articles; draft of Village Overlay District components. Draft copy of “housekeeping” article.  Plans and drawings for 2 Mountain Road.

Marie Auger
Administrative Assistant
Planning Department