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February 5, 2014
Town of Princeton    PLANNING BOARD   ---   Regular Meeting ---  February 5, 2014

7:35 PM  The meeting was opened by Chairman Tom Daly. Present were: Jon Fudeman, Ann Neuburg, Richard Bisk and John Mirick.

Members signed NEADS site plan review document. Board reviewed draft of P.B. Annual Report 2013 and suggested some minor changes in wording, noting that Jon F. is the rep for CMRPC and Ann N. is the alternate. They voted all in favor to accept annual PB Report as amended.

Old Business:
Discussion started on Worcester Road project and related zoning amendments, with Jon F. recusing himself.  Tom D. reported on CMRPC planner Chris Ryan’s comments on proposal for Village Overlay District--he asked about incentives for developers. He noted that design criteria may be too restrictive; board may hold off on getting specific.  Board agreed on all residences in mixed-use buildings in the VOD must be on upper floors and no more than two bedrooms. Leave the requirement for “sight pervious” fencing.

8:30 PM  The board voted all in favor to accept the latest draft of the VOD as amended. They went over the proposed “housekeeping” changes in the Zoning Bylaw.

9:05 PM  Tom D. presented a description of the final warrant articles to be considered at the public hearing: 1st article to describe limits of VOD as overlaying the Business District;  2nd article decribes the area south of Hickory (north) and Stagecoach that changes from Business District to Res.-Agr.;  3rd extends north boundary of Business District to include a 700” setback from Worcester Road through Parcels 33-4 and 33-7. All changes call for an amendment to the zoning map.

Administrative Business
Board agreed to change March 19 meeting date to March 12, the same night as the town Caucus at 7 PM. Planning Board at 7:30 can use small room in annex if caucus is still in session in the big room.
Board voted all in favor to approve Jan. 15 Regular Meeting Minutes; reviewed mail

Meeting/Event Schedule:

DATE:                   MEETING/EVENT:          TIME:           PLACE:
March 5                         Zoning Hearing          
& Regular Meeting               
March 12                        Regular Meeting         7:30            Annex

Future Agenda Items:  Consider site plan review for 2 Mountain Road

9:25 PM  Board voted to adjourn

Respectfully Submitted:   Marie Auger, admin. assistant

Referenced Documents:  Worcester Road Village Concept list of possible Overlay components. Draft copies of articles.  NEADS Site Plan

Marie Auger
Administrative Assistant
Planning Department