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January 15, 2014
Town of Princeton    PLANNING BOARD

Regular Meeting ---  January 15, 2014

7:30 PM  The meeting was opened by Chairman Tom Daly. Present were: Jon Fudeman, Ann Neuburg, Richard Bisk and John Mirick.

New Business

Clayton Mosher came in for “The Knoll” with four new houselots planned on Isaac’s Way, off East Princeton Road, because last year’s extension deadline is approaching:   Jan. 31, 2014. He submitted a handwritten note requesting an extension for two years. The road is still pending town acceptance, and the performance bond is still in place. It’s essentially finished with topcoat already applied, but barriers ensure no traffic can enter. No house construction is underway or pending. The board voted all in favor to extend the definitive subdivision plan for ‘The Knoll’ to Jan. 31, 2016.

7:40 PM  Board opened NEADS site plan review with Larry Greene, Jr. He went over major elements of the addition to 301 Redemption Rock Trail and related landscape and site upgrades. A special permit has already been issued by the ZBA. At their public hearing, the sole abutter in attendance had asked that additional screening be installed between his property at 299 Redemption Rock Trail and NEADS. Mr. Greene noted that the plan includes the following: plantings of arbor vitae and blue spruce along the property line to the south; lighting will be installed on 10’ vintage pole fixtures around the parking areas and bolard (low height) lighting along walkways. He also described the low-impact development (LID) standards being used in the new stormwater management system, and noted that it is the responsibility of ConsComm to monitor it. The board voted all in favor to accept the site plan as presented. The board will sign the final document at their next meeting.

Old Business

7:55 PM  Worcester Road project – Discussion continued on proposal for Village Overlay District zoning. Jon Fudeman recused himself as a Worcester Road resident. The board looked over a “Jan. 15 draft” of the proposed bylaw that John M. had provided and the issue of square footage was addressed, noting that the original, brick ‘Photopanels’ building was 6,800 sq. ft. and P.O. Place had a footprint of 12,000 sq. ft. and the board voted all in favor to set that as a maximum footprint for a single building in the VOD.  An updated, Jan. 16 draft will be sent to CMRPC by John M.

Discussion continued on specifications in the Zoning Bylaws for Accessory Apartment square footage, and wording may be: “Shall not exceed the greater of 900 sq. ft. or one-third of the gross, living area.” In a structure that’s larger than the main housing unit , such as a converted barn, the two bedroom maximum would become the limiting factor.

Corrections & clarifications in “Zoning Bylaws  May 2012” will be submitted as warrant articles for May 2014 Annual Town Meeting – including Sect. III, 1. (G) (typo correction);   Sect. XVII  1.  B.)  (3) – eliminate “waived”, (7) – eliminate “with access to the driveway serving the single-family dwelling” and (10) – replace “rent” with “make use of”; and, Sect. XVIII  3. (A) eliminate “waiver” references.

Administrative Business

8:55 PM  Voted all in favor to approve Jan. 8 Regular Meeting Minutes.  Discussed budget-- no need seen for additional CMRPC funding.~ Any increase in postage comes out of Town Hall expenses and no ad rate changes are anticipated from the Landmark. Board agreed to set Pl. Bd. FY’15 budget as level funded.

Future Agenda Items

Board decided to review/approve draft of P.B. Annual Report 2013, and possibly sign NEADS site plan review, at the Feb. 5 meeting
Board changed Feb. 19 meeting date to Feb. 26 and to include public hearing for zoning changes.

9:05 PM  Board voted to adjourn

Respectfully Submitted:   Marie Auger, admin. assistant

Referenced Documents:  Letter from Clayton Mosher with request to extend subdivision plan for “the Knoll,’  Plans and documents for NEADS addition for site plan review, Worcester Road Village Overlay District -- concept list of possible overlay components draft dated Jan. 15.  

Marie Auger
Administrative Assistant
Planning Department