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Dec. 18, 2013
Town of Princeton    PLANNING BOARD   ---   Regular Meeting ---  December 18, 2013

7:30 PM  The meeting was opened by Chairman Tom Daly. Present were: Jon Fudeman, Ann Neuburg, Richard Bisk and John Mirick.

New Business
Larry Greene Jr., who is project manager for the proposed expansion at the NEADS campus on Redemption Rock Trail, came in with an ANR that moves a lot line between Lot 5 [site of the “red house”] and Parcel B which are both owned by NEADS. He submitted payment of $100. An ‘outlot” was created that added 900 sq.ft. to Lot 5 from Parcel B to create a 30’ offset between the side-lot line and an addition being proposed onto the red house. This was done to meet zoning requirements for the new addition.  The board voted all in favor to endorse the plan and signed the Mylar and copies.
Mr. Greene wanted to know the scope of requirements the PB would have for the site plan and whether it needed to follow actions by the Board of Health and Conservation Commission. Members discussed the options and agreed that a site plan review could be done anytime.  A site plan review is tentatively scheduled for Jan. 8.

Administrative Business
The board voted all in favor to approve minutes from Dec. 4 regular meeting. Discussed January dates and agreed to meet Jan. 8 & 15 to accommodate members and get best attendance—room availability to be approved by Town Clerk. Jan. 8 agenda to include NEADS site plan review and a rough draft of overlay zone wording.
Old Business
7:45 PM   Tom D. and John M.  had met with planners Christopher Ryan and Trish Settles at CMRPC to start a process of consultation regarding zoning changes on Worcester Road to create a “village district.” They would not provide articles—Tom and John reported that the PB would have to come up with actual articles which the CMRPC could review.  The town has about 17 hours of Planning Commission time that may be used, as well as $3,840 [reserve fund] already dedicated from the May 2013 ATM.

7:55 PM  The board resumed discussion about the Worcester Road Village project. Jon Fudeman recused himself as he resides in the neighborhood under discussion. John M. suggested that new overlay zoning should go to back of any lot with frontage on Worcester Road and should include specs for protective buffers and a minimum setback distance that is sufficient for specific uses. Parking could allow no more than 1/3 of total spaces in front, set back by 20’ or some other distance from roadway. Layout should include pedestrian ways and allow multiple buildings on a single lot along with mixed uses. There should be dedicated parking indicated for residential units. Tom D. noted that residential use should be subordinate to primary commercial use, which would primarily occupy ground level space, where residential should not be allowed. Mixing residential next to businesses may be problematic when businesses are often open seven days and have hours into the night.

9 PM  Board voted to adjourn

Respectfully Submitted:   Marie Auger, admin. assistant

Referenced Documents:  Plans and materials for the NEADS project; Worcester Road Village Concept list of possible Overlay components.

Marie Auger
Administrative Assistant
Planning Department