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December 4, 2013
Town of Princeton    PLANNING BOARD   ---   Regular Meeting ---  December 4, 2013

7:30 PM  The meeting was opened by Chairman Tom Daly. Present were: Jon Fudeman, Ann Neuburg, Richard Bisk and John Mirick.

Old Business
Larry Greene Jr., who is project manager for the proposed expansion at the NEADS campus on Redemption Rock Trail, came in.  A ZBA public hearing for is slated for Dec. 5, and he helped the board review the plans. Members discussed the need for a site plan review that would be considered by the Planning Board at their next meeting on Dec. 18, without a public hearing.  They agreed to support the plan as presented and suggest two conditions: all exterior lighting be downward-directed and drainage systems should be designed to capture and treat any run-off that might eventually be released into adjacent wetlands. Marie will craft a memo with these comments to submit to the ZBA at the hearing. A site plan review is tentatively scheduled for Dec. 18.

7:55 PM – The board resumed discussion about the Worcester Road Village project. Jon Fudeman recused himself as he resides in the neighborhood under discussion. Cal Calamari came in to explain the article he intends to submit as a citizen’s petition at the annual town meeting. He proposes changing zoning from Business to R-A on the east side of Worcester Road up to and including the 20 acre undeveloped lot. The board noted that they haven’t decided about which proposals, including Calamari’s, they would support.
The PB is currently considering proposing three articles: 1) a zoning overlay “village” district on the current business zone on the west side of Worcester Road that starts at Stagecoach Road;   2) extend that business zone north to a new boundary beyond the PMLD property; and  3) revert the area south of Hickory Drive (north) and Stagecoach Road to R-A. The exact boundaries are still being determined.
It was noted that a major goal was to eliminate strip malls in the business zone which is currently so narrow that no other format fits. Tom D. pointed out that the proposed zoning changes still do not eliminate the potential for strip malls. He suggested creating a new type of business zone with changes to the table of uses and some dimensions in the current business zone, instead of using an overlay district. Also, John M. suggested that it may be more feasible at this time to extend the business zone to incorporate the PMLD parcel and not go beyond its lot lines. The board reviewed several photos from Tom D. of a Sudbury center with retail/commercial on the ground floor and two levels above, in a colonial clapboard-sided style with parking that had been rearranged so that vehicles became visible.
The next step is for Tom D. and John M. to meet with planners at the CMRPC, and get examples from other communities about mixed-use zoning overlays. Last week, Fire Chief John Bennett favorably answered a request about the feasibility of changing zoning to increase the maximum building height to 45’ from 35’ to accommodate three stories plus an attic.

Administrative Business
Board voted all in favor to approve November 20, 2013, meeting minutes.  

8:55 PM  Board voted to adjourn

Respectfully Submitted:   Marie Auger, admin. assistant

Referenced Documents:  Plans and materials for the NEADS project; Worcester Road Village Concept possible Overlay Components. And related documents and photos.

Marie Auger
Administrative Assistant
Planning Department