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Oct. 16, 2013
Town of Princeton    PLANNING BOARD   ---   Regular Meeting ---  October 16, 2013

7:30 PM  The meeting was opened by Chairman Tom Daly. Present were: Jon Fudeman, Ann Neuburg, and John Mirick.

Administrative Business
Board voted all in favor to approve September 18 and October 2 meeting minutes.

Old Business
7:35 PM – Tom D. opened discussion regarding proposed changes to boundaries of the existing Business District and proposed overlay district. Jon Fudeman recused himself as he resides in the neighborhood under discussion. Discussion focused on warrant items for the next Town Meeting, including:

  • Discontinue business zoning on the westerly side of Worcester Road from Stagecoach Road (a clear existing boundary) south.  Discontinue business zoning on the easterly side of Worcester Road from northerly intersection of Hickory Drive (a clear existing boundary) south.  Zoning for the areas would become residential/agricultural.
  • Extend the boundary of the existing Business District on the westerly side of Worcester Road north to include lots 33 – 33-7 on map 15.
  • Make no changes to the boundary of the existing Business District on the easterly side of Worcester Road from Hickory Drive north.
The remainder of the meeting was discussion on changes to remaining Business District and  proposed overlay district.  Topics included:

  • Depth – The depth of the current Business District is 300 feet from frontage on Worcester Road. The narrow depth precludes village-style development. The depth would extend to the back lot line with a requirement for frontage on Worcester Road.
  • Architectural Standards-~ John Mirick will work on text to establish design standards that would require a traditional, colonial look.
  • Permitted uses – An overlay district would explicitly enable mixed uses in the same structure. For example, a building with retail, restaurant, and office space on the ground floor with living space above.   TO DO: John Mirick to come up with text to describe uses for the proposed overlay district.
CMRPC personnel has changed, and Princeton has a new planner. Chairman Daly and John Mirick will travel to Worcester to meet with the new person and start discussions re: text to describe the proposed overlay district.

8:25 PM  Board voted to adjourn

Respectfully Submitted:   Ann Neuburg, Secretary

Referenced Documents:  Worcester Road Village Concept (John Mirick, 8/26/2013).

Marie Auger
Administrative Assistant
Planning Department