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Sept. 4, 2013
Town of Princeton    PLANNING BOARD   ---   Regular Meeting ---  September 4, 2013

7:30 PM  The meeting was opened by Chairman Tom Daly. Present were: Jon Fudeman, Ann Neuburg and John Mirick. Richard Bisk was absent.

Administrative Business
Board voted all in favor to approve August 21 regular meeting minutes.

New Business
Jim Camp, 58 Mountain Road, came in to discuss with the board his proposal to start a bed & breakfast operation at his property. A B&B is allowed by special permit in the Res./Agr. Zoning district under the limitations listed under Section XVIII, 1., (B), (1).  Tom D. suggested that he ask the building inspector about emergency exits and alarm systems, and the Board of Health must approve any food prep. Facility and septic requirements.  Zoning allows three rooms maximum to lease in a B&B. The home has five bedrooms and meets Title V for same, Mr. Camp attests. He has submitted the $400 fee and the SP application along with the abutter list. A public hearing will be scheduled for Oct. 2.
Notice was given about a new 911 public safety communications tower to replace the old one, which is beyond repair. A new 4-sided lattice will include current radio equipment as well as a microwave dish for new regional dispatch with Holden. Design engineer Gary Cromack will follow through with the special permit application on behalf of the town, and the public hearing will be Oct. 2.

Old Business
7:50 PM  The board continued discussion on the Worcester Road project, with Jon F. recusing himself. John M. had provided some zoning options which were distributed to members. One option is to make southerly end (up to Hickory and Stagecoach)  residential, since that is what exists to date.  The Board noted that there was strong neighborhood opposition to making the entire east side residential,  except for a  20 acre parcel across from Post Office Place it is already residential. Another concept is for mixed-use overlay on north half of east side. The board agreed to support a mixed-use business/residential overly zone on the west side of Worcester Road from Stagecoach to the Jakay property north of PMLD and to extend back 800’ from road. The mixed-use model can be seen in something like Barre Common, allowing multiple structures and/or uses on one lot. Discussion went on regarding residential units above commercial/business space, and the size or number of units in separate buildings.
The board considered listing each zoning change as a separate article at a Town Meeting, so that opposition to any single item wouldn’t kill the whole set of proposals. Members suggested using the definition for overlay zoning from the Vera Kolias reports. They agreed to set a date of Sept. 18 for the next public meeting, when residents will be notified by postcard.
Board members continued discussion on Zoning Bylaws Section XVII, 1. Accessory Apartments. In 1., B), (3)  the limit on area is described as “shall not exceed 900 sq. ft. or one-third of the gross living area of the dwelling…”  the board had agreed to substitute: “shall not exceed 900 sq. ft. or one-third of the resulting gross living area--whichever is greater.”  Because a main dwelling could be less than 900 sq.ft., they decided further discussion might be warranted, if this definition subverted the “subordinate” requirement in the “purpose” section of the bylaw.
8:45 PM  All voted in favor to adjourn.  
Respectfully Submitted:   Marie Auger, Administrative Assistant

Referenced Documents:  Princeton Zoning Bylaws;  Worc. Rd. Village Concept
Proposed Bylaw Changes 8/26/13 from John Mirick

Marie Auger
Administrative Assistant
Planning Department