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July 17, 2013
PLANNING BOARD   ---   Regular Meeting ---  July 17, 2013

7:30 PM  The meeting was opened by Chairman Tom Daly. Present were: Jon Fudeman,  and Ann Neuburg. John Mirick and Richard Bisk were absent.

Administrative Business
Board voted all in favor to approve June 19 regular meeting minutes. Copies of the 2013 Street Listings were distributed to members.

7:35 PM  the board discussed several confusing aspects of Zoning Bylaws Section XVII, 1. Accessory Apartments and Tom described the history its implementation.  
In 1., B), (3)  the limit on area is described as “shall not exceed 900 sq. ft. or one-third of the gross living area of the dwelling…”  Ann N. suggested using: “shall not exceed 900 sq. ft. or one-third of the resulting structure… whichever is greater.”  Town Counsel Judy Pickett had commented on some of the verbiage, and noted that (3) also states  “ …nor shall it contain more than two bedrooms; provided, however, that this condition may be modified or waived in the discretion of the Planning Board.” She pointed out that zoning requirements cannot be “waived.”
The board also considered a potential loophole in B), (10) where a new owner of a house with an accessory apartment is required to apply for a Special Permit  “if they desire to rent an accessory apartment on the premises…”  Atty Pickett said this use of “rent” implies that occupancy of an accessory apartment only requires a Special Permit if the occupant is paying rent. To date, the zoning enforcement officer has required Special Permits for all accessory apartments that will have occupants regardless of family ties or rental status.
Jon F. asked that several specific terms get clarification:  in B), (1) the word “building” should probably be plural, and in (2) it’s unclear what the word “building” is referring to, a main house or accessory structures. He also asked to look at the use of “waived” in the context of zoning. Some discussion ensued around finding alternative wording that would give the Planning Board more discretion and some flexibility in setting parameters.
8:20 PM   Board members briefly discussed how to proceed with the Worcester Road project after Jon F. recused himself as a neighborhood resident.  The board will target September 18 for the next public meeting when residents will be notified by postcard.
8:35 PM  All voted in favor to adjourn.  

Respectfully Submitted:   Marie Auger, Administrative Assistant

Referenced Documents:  

Princeton Zoning Bylaws

Marie Auger
Administrative Assistant
Planning Department