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June 5, 2013
PLANNING BOARD   ---   Regular Meeting ---  June 5, 2013

7:30 PM  The meeting was opened by Chairman Tom Daly. Present were: Jon Fudeman, Richard Bisk and Ann Neuburg. John Mirick was absent.

The board reviewed an ANR creating one new lot #7-6 with 3.4 acres on Sam Cobb Lane for David Nichols. With all requirements met for frontage, acreage and upland, they voted all in favor to sign the plan. A check for $100 was submitted from Dave Nichols, who was not present.

The board then considered an ANR plan for the estate of Ann Guest at 205 Mountain Road, abutting Echo Lake Road which is a gateway into the Wachusett Mtn. Reservation.  The plan created a back lot #3 of two acres, listed as “not a buildable lot;” a 14-acre lot #2 with 265 feet frontage on Mountain Road south of the existing house; and, the remainder 7.6 acres surrounding the house as Lot #1. Board voted all in favor to sign Mylar and copies, received check for $200.

7:45 PM  Shane Morrisey came in for info about creating an  Accessory Apt. at 38 Mountain Road over his 3-bay detached garage. The board discussed the specs for living area as it would apply to a detached building, since the “900 sq.ft. or 1/3 of the total living area” may not be practical in reference to a garage or separate building. Jon noted that there are ambiguities in the bylaw and suggested that Mr. Morrisey come to the next meeting, so that board members can do some research or analysis, and he agreed to do that. PB Alternate member Rick McCowan pointed out that the PB has flexibility in determining construction details and can waive many design specs.
8:10 PM Town Administrator with Selectmen Edith Morgan and Neil Sulmasy came in for a presentation about the Rural 11 Prioritization Project – with planners Trish Settles & Vera Kolias from CMRPC. The goal was to identify “Priority Preservation Areas” as well as “Priority Development Areas” within town, using funding from the state’s District Local Technical Assistance.  This process would make the town eligible for certain grants [highway, land preservation etc.] and more favored status for receiving state support on certain projects. The planners explained that each geographical group of towns [Blackstone Valley, for example] within the CMRPC jurisdiction are participating in this project. The Rural 11 is Princeton and 10 towns to the west and south. These communities are unique in that they have “working landscapes” with opportunities for an agricultural economy. This project will inventory all the town’s agricultural operations and properties. A community-wide Rural-11 Prioritization Project Regional Forum will be held on Wednesday, June 26,~New Braintree Town Hall, 20 Memorial Drive, New Braintree.
Some of the Priority Preservation areas mentioned included Town Center buildings, Mechanics Hall in East Princeton, the Midstate Trail, Boylston Park and various water bodies. It was noted that the Master Plan mentions “ridgeline protection.” Priority Development areas included Worcester Road and East Princeton Village.

Administrative Business
Board voted all in favor to approve May 15 regular meeting minutes with Jon F. abstaining because he was not present. The board reviewed mail. They also agreed to cancel July 3 meeting, so July 17 is only meeting in July,  and set August 21 as only meeting in August

8:55 PM  All voted in favor to adjourn.  

Respectfully Submitted:   Marie Auger, Administrative Assistant

Referenced Documents:  

Nichols ANR plan; Guest estate ANR plan, Rural-11 Prioritization Project flyer/materials

Marie Auger
Administrative Assistant
Planning Department