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April 17
PLANNING BOARD   ---   Regular Meeting ---  April 17, 2013

7:30 PM  The meeting was opened by chairman. Present were: Chairman Jerry Gannelli, Jon Fudeman, John Mirick, Tom Daly and Ann Neuburg.
-- The board voted, all in favor, to approve minutes of April 3, 2013 with one correction to the description of zoning districts adjacent to PMLD.
The board briefly discussed the update of the town’s Open Space and Recreation Plan and noted that the two Business zones were labeled as Business/Industrial; and, Boylston Park was not mentioned.
The board had reviewed final edits to the remaining two cell tower S.P. modifications, and all but Tom D. signed the decisions. They were for applicants AT&T and Sprint for upgrades to their equipment which is co-located on the tower at 194 Worcester Road. Two other decisions for AT&T at Houghton Road and Thompson Road had been signed at the April 3 meeting.

7:45 PM  The board reviewed the public meeting for the Worcester Road Village project which was held at the April 3 PB meeting. Jon F. and Jerry G. recused themselves from the board--as residents of that neighborhood.  The remaining three agreed that there had been a broad mix of residents and many diverse views, but no consensus.
The board discussed what to do at the May 15 public meeting, and John M. suggested they recap what was on the flip charts (from the first meeting).  Also, a large map of the area will be displayed, probably on the projection screen.
        John M. noted that there appeared to be little interest in changing zoning south of Post Office Place. Discussion moved to the limits of the current Business Zone being only 300’ deep on each side of the road, and how only a strip mall would fit. The variations on parking layouts were considered as well, and the whether residents preferred buildings or parking being closer to the road, and how each could be configured.
Jon F. pointed out that people won’t support change if it means they are giving up a right. It was noted that an overlay district can include design standards, and Tom D. added that any zoning district can incorporate design criteria. One issue concerning the limits of current zoning is that residential lots that now line the main road are too small for business/commercial development, and buying up two or more houses to develop a commercial project--allowed by right--would be cost prohibitive, but Tom D. insisted that you cannot rule out any possibility—you never know what unlikely project might succeed in the future. Jon F. pointed out that using the back land behind Jacobson’s buildings is the most likely site for a mixed-use village to be developed using an overlay zone. He added that, at these meetings, residents will naturally focus on what’s in it for them, but the board’s job is to concentrate on what’s best for the town. It was noted that what gets developed along Worcester Road is of interest and concern to all town residents.
        John M. offered to pull all results together and craft a handout for the May 15 public meeting.

8:30 PM  All voted in favor to adjourn.  

Respectfully Submitted:   Marie Auger, Administrative Assistant

Referenced Documents:  
Cell tower Special Permit Modification decisions for Sprint and AT&T at Worcester Road tower;  Updated sections of Open Space & Recreation Plan.

Marie Auger
Administrative Assistant
Planning Department