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March 6, 2013
PLANNING BOARD   ---   Regular Meeting ---  March 6, 2013

7:30 PM  The meeting was opened by chairman. Present were: Chairman Jerry Gannelli, Jon Fudeman, John Mirick, Tom Daly and Ann Neuburg.
-- The board voted, all in favor, to approve minutes of February 20, 2013.

7:35 PM  the chairman opened public hearing for cell tower upgrades and read the legal notice, then asked applicants to explain plans. . Atty. Edward Pare of the firm Brown Rudnick for AT&T described the upgrades for the guyed lattice tower structure off Thompson Road, which is the same as for all three sites— increasing capacity from 3G to 4G by replacing or supplementing three LTE antennae and adding related equipment to the cabinet and concrete pad at the fenced-in base area. All specifications are outlined in the plans.
It was noted that Sprint received approval one year ago for a modification to its special permit on Houghton Road, but no construction had yet begun. Then Brian Allen for AT&T on the same tower on Houghton road explained some engineering details and current capacity of the monopoles for added equipment which requires a bump-out of the shroud. He wasn’t sure about the feasibility of a third carrier installing below the AT&T and Sprint tenants, which are stacked, with each using 10’ of the upper pole.  
Jerry G. pointed out that the PB would like to see symmetry on the entire pole. AT&T says it can bump out to a 30” diameter, while Sprint is calling for a 36” bump-out. The two companies’ representatives assured the board that both companies could make the shroud consistent at 36.”   The applicants described the monopole as a hollow pipe of 34” diameter at the base, tapering up to 26.5” at 50’ up, which houses the wiring. Above that, the top part is a solid interior pole on which hang the antennae, other equipment and the shroud of fiberglass to mask it all. More photo simulations were presented by Mr. Pare, in addition to those previously provided, including “before” and “after” shots of all three cell towers.
By 8:10 PM, the hearing turned attention to the tower at 194 Worcester Road. Mark Cook for Sprint noted that his firm is seeking to do the same upgrades as AT&T—replacing three antennae and three remote RH (radio head) units for LTG and 4G service. he explained that the structural analysis  must meet code requirements for at a 36” bump-out on a three-carrier pole, although there is no third carrier at current time. Code requirement is to meet a three-second wind gust at 100 mph., and a 50 mph wind with 1” ice coating the tower. PB member Tom D. voiced concerns about future siting of towers to avoid residential areas.
The chairman asked for any comments from the public, and Richard Chase of 33 Stagecoach Road stood up along with David Utter of 36 Stagecoach Road—both electrical engineers, they said, with an interest in the project. They both posed questions about RHs and receivers and the equipment in the ground cabinets. Since the original special permit process from 2002 went into litigation, a consent decree was issued at that time, and Mr. Chase read conditions #20 – 22, which became conditions of the Special Permit that was issued in January of 2003.
Mr. Pare noted that federal statute Section 6409 of February 2012, that local jurisdictions cannot prohibit upgrades that are not a substantial change to cell tower equipment; “Substantial Change” being defined as anything over a 20’ expansion. There was some discussion about the conditions, which involve a performance guarantee and annual reports to certify that structural integrity met standards of FCC, FAA and American National Standards -- to be provided to the town’s building inspector. No evidence had been found in either Building Dept. or Planning records in Town Hall that these conditions had been met. Mr. Pare pointed out that it was the building inspector’s responsibility to enforce conditions, and that there was a procedure to follow when conditions of a special permit were not completed by the applicant.
8:50 PM  The board discussed various options and ultimately voted all in favor to continue the public hearing to the next meeting on March 20 at 7:35 PM. They will ask Building Inspector John Wilson to attend, or at least submit a report explaining his experience or knowledge in dealing with Conditions 20 – 22.  At that meeting, after closing the hearing, they will deliberate on all three tower sites.

9:00 PM  Mark Cook for Sprint had submitted a written request to the board to extend his special permit modification, approved one year ago, for another year, as sprint had not yet pulled a building permit. The state’s permit extension legislation had been expanded last September to include extra recent years, and allow automatic extensions of four years, so the “request” was not technically necessary, but the board voted all in favor to respond in approval of Mr. Cook’s written request.
9:05 PM  Under “Old Business,” the board continued the Worcester Road zoning issue and Jon F. and Jerry G, recused themselves as residents of that neighborhood. Tom D. suggested asking for some funds to pay fees for a consultant that may be needed if a zoning bylaw change is recommended with the project. He will compute a reasonable figure that reflects the amount needed for technical expertise in writing a zoning bylaw and forward it to Marie, who will follow through with town administrator for a warrant article funding request.
        The group agreed that the alternatives are:  1) Rezone to Residential only; 2) Create a “mixed-use overlay” zoning district; 3) Expand or reduce existing zoning districts;  4) Do nothing.
        The board picked April 3 for a public meeting and will mail postcards with meeting notification to all neighbors of Worcester Road. Marie will come up with a mailing list. including everyone along Worcester Road or branching off it, from the Holden line to town center.  

9:20 PM  All voted in favor to adjourn.  

Respectfully Submitted
Marie Auger, Administrative Assistant

Referenced Documents:  
Cell tower plans and photos from Sprint and AT&T for public hearing; email request from Mark Cook for SP extension;  Consent Decree from 2002 for American Tower.

Marie Auger
Administrative Assistant
Planning Department