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Feb. 20, 2013
PLANNING BOARD   ---   Regular Meeting ---  February 20, 2013

7:30 PM  The meeting was opened by chairman. Present were: Chairman Jerry Gannelli, Jon Fudeman, John Mirick, Tom Daly and Ann Neuburg.
-- The board voted all in favor, with Tom D. abstaining, to approve minutes of February 6, 2013, with addition of phone call notices regarding public hearing materials that Marie A. had reported making.

7:35 PM  the upcoming public hearing for cell tower upgrades was discussed and photo simulations including “before” and “after” shots of all three cell towers were distributed. Marie noted that the Sprint representative, Mark Cook, had been warned about an extension needed on his special permit modification for the Houghton Road tower which was approved in March 2012—but work not yet started. He cited the state’s Permit Extension Act in a letter to the PB asking for an extension. Upon checking MASS.GOV, it was discovered that the state’s Act had been amended in September 2012 to add four more years to any permit issued from 2008 on—and it’s automatic, so Sprint’s SP qualifies. Marie will forward the online FAQ from the state to PB members.

7:45 PM  The board had agreed to address the Worcester Road zoning issue and Jon F. and Jerry G, recused themselves as residents of that neighborhood. Tom D. outlined a procedure: “Is this something we still want to pursue and if so, where do we start?” He pointed out that the original discussion got sidetracked, and that the initial goal was to figure out how to protect large parcels in the  area and support existing businesses. John M. noted that the starting point can draw from the work done by CMRPC Planner Vera Kolias [focus groups].
        John M. suggests getting residents into the room and start with a list of talking points, such as multi-use parcels, expanding business district, overlay zoning etc. Tom said that a fair number of people didn’t want any change, and ultimately, neighbors want to know “what are you doing and when are you going to do it?” John M. also suggested two public meetings, with the first on April 3 or May 15. The May 2014 Annual Town Meeting warrant would be the finalization if zoning changes are agreed upon.
        The board discussed getting the meeting notices out, since people inevitably show up at successive hearings claiming they weren’t notified about the project going on. The board went over various mailing methods and whom exactly to notify. Post cards may be sent to everyone along Worcester Road or branching off it, from the Holden line to town center.  John M. offered to put together a time line and action plan along with a one-page announcement; Ann N. said she would help crafting text. This will be ready for the March 6 PB meeting. John M. insists the board should do everything in its power to get the word out.

8:30 PM  The board perused the ‘Future Agenda Items’ and voted all in favor to remove the East Princeton Village District. The Route 140 road project is already independently underway.

8:35 PM  All voted in favor to adjourn.  

Respectfully Submitted
Marie Auger, Administrative Assistant

Referenced Documents:  
Cell tower plans and photos from Sprint and AT&T for March 6 public hearing

Marie Auger
Administrative Assistant
Planning Department