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Feb. 6, 2013
PLANNING BOARD   ---   Regular Meeting/Public Hearing Minutes ---  February 6, 2013

7:30 PM  The meeting was opened by chairman. Present were: Chairman Jerry Gannelli, Jon Fudeman, John Mirick and Ann Neuburg. PB alternate member Rick McCowan present also.
Tom Daly was absent.
-- The board voted all in favor, except Ann,  to approve minutes of Jan. 16, 2013

7:35 PM  The Chairman opened the continued public hearing for Craig & Kelly Stimson, 207 Thompson Road to consider their application for a special permit for an accessory apartment under Zoning Section VII, 1.  He explained the basic facts as previously presented and asked the applicant to explain the project. Kelly and Craig Stimson described the history of the property and the need to re-construct the ell, which was deteriorating.
Jerry asked for any additional questions or comments from the board, and asked if anyone else in attendance, from the public, had any questions or comments. Administrative Assistant Marie Auger reported that several calls were made from the Planning Office to the Haines residence, with messages left on Jan. 30 and Feb. 6, to let this abutter know that all materials for the continued hearing on Feb. 6 were available in Town Hall Planning Office.

7:45 PM  Hearing no further comments,  the board voted all in favor to close the public hearing. John M. moved to approve the Special Permit subject to the regular set of conditions; Ann seconded the motion. Jerry read a draft decision with nine items in a list of ‘findings and facts” regarding bedrooms, Title V, driveways, etc. and then a list of nine conditions. The Board voted all in favor to approve the Special Permit as presented in the draft copy, and signed a final document.

Some discussion ensued regarding the procedures involved in an appeal, and John M. explained what was involved.

8:00 PM  The registration form for the Citizen Planner Training Collaborative conference/seminars on March 16 was considered by board members, and John M. asked to sign up. Marie will send in application and payment from PB budget.

The board agreed to address the Worcester Road zoning issue at the next meeting on Feb. 20

8:05 PM  All voted in favor to adjourn.  

Respectfully Submitted
Marie Auger, Administrative Assistant

Referenced Documents:  
Special Permit Decision for Craig & Kelly Stimson
Forms and related plans for Stimson application for accessory apt.

Marie Auger
Administrative Assistant
Planning Department