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Dec. 12, 2012
PLANNING BOARD   ---   Regular Meeting  ---   December 12, 2012

7:30 PM  The meeting opened by chairman. Present were: Chairman Jerry Gannelli, Jon Fudeman, John Mirick, Tom Daly and Ann Neuburg. PB alternate member Rick McCowan present.

7:31 PM Chairman declared Public Hearing open and read the legal notice for Dana Staub, 37 Radford Road, to consider a Special Permit for accessory apartment. Tom Daly is an abutter on Boylston Ave. and recused himself. Jerry appointed alternate member Rick McCowan to replace him.  Mr. Staub had been at the last PB meeting to explain his pre-existing accessory apt. He explained that he and Christine purchase the home in 2007, it was built in the 1930s and an in-law apartment in the basement was added in 1972. The main house has 2,200 sq.ft. and the basement apartment has 652 sq.ft. He submitted a copy of the Fire Dept. Certificate of Compliance dated Dec. 11, 2012. There is separate parking for two vehicles for the apartment. No comments were received from the public.
7:40 PM The hearing closed and John M. made the motion, seconded by Jon F. to approve the special permit with conditions. Board members will sign the decision document this week. The applicant was informed about receiving the signed and certified document after the 20-day appeal period is done, after which he may record it at the Registry of Deeds.

7:43 PM The chairman opened the public hearing and read the legal notice for Salvatore and Kathleen Balsamo, 248 Worcester Road, to consider a Special Permit for accessory apartment. Chairman Jerry Gannelli, Jon Fudeman, John Mirick, Tom Daly and Ann Neuburg were present to consider the application. Mr. Balsamo displayed plans, drawings and photos for a new deck and an addition to a pre-existing in-law apartment at 248 Worcester Road. The original house was built around 1800. The status of some bedrooms and a stairway were discussed,. He stated that the main house is approximately 3,060 sq. ft. and the in-law apartment is 1,610, but some discussion ensued regarding whether measurements reflected inside or outside dimensions. The proportion was calculated at 34 percent and because square footage of the apartment cannot be more that 1/3 the total building square footage, the board voted all in favor to waive the “1/3” requirement since the number was so close. Abutters Richard and Linda Nash, 28 Ball Hill Road, asked about potential commercial or business uses at the property. They cited past uses in the neighborhood that may not have conformed to zoning. Board members explained the particulars of zoning in that area, which is in the Business District.
8:06 PM the board closed the public hearing and voted all in favor to approve the Special Permit with conditions. Board members will sign the decision document this week and then the 20 day appeal period begins, after which is may be recorded.

8:10 PM The chairman opened the public hearing and read the public notice for the Sadie’s Paradise subdivision off Rocky Pond Road. Discussion included the observation from Rick McCowan that the homeowners’ agreement includes wording that appears to potentially supersede the Planning Board condition/regulations. John M. suggested adding an amendment to read: “The Association may not modify or remove any condition contained in the Planning Board Subdivision Approval dated Dec. 12, 2012.” Before plans are recorded, this sentence is to be added, by the applicant’s attorney, to Article IX, Section 9.1 of the “Articles of Residential Real Estate Management Association of Sadie’s Paradise.” One abutter, Mel Crouse, of Shrewsbury, owns the undeveloped parcel to the south identified as Map 1, Lot 21-F. He had questions about lot sizes and the limit, of the completed project, to four houses.
8:28 PM  The board closed the hearing and voted all in favor to approve the subdivision plan with the same conditions as on the original July 2007 approved plan, with the added amendment to the homeowners’ association. The board signed all pages on a new set of Mylar sheets and two paper copies. The decision document, needed for recording, will be signed at the Planning Office by board members individually within one week. After the town clerk certifies/dates the signatures, the 20 day appeal period begins, after which the applicant can record the plan at the Registry of Deeds.

8:55 PM  Craig Stimson was in to discuss his accessory apartment Special Permit application with the board. He had previously submitted 10 copies of his plans and application form, along with payment of $400. He explained that the multi-generational status of the historic farmhouse included a living unit in the ell to the rear of the main house, which had been demolished and is being re-built. The board asked him to have Chenot Associates identify uses and allegiances of rooms and spaces, to clearly determine the square footage of the main house compared to the apartment in the ell. Some spaces seemed to be shared by both living units. The Stimsons’ public hearing will be scheduled for Jan. 16.

9:10 PM Doug Andrysick came in for endorsement of an ANR plan creating 3 lots at 315 Mirick Road for Jennifer Foss-Dexter. Check for $200 submitted. The Board voted all in favor to endorse the ANR lots and they signed the Mylar and three paper copies.

Board received memo from Jim Shuris attesting to the fact that the topcoat on the pavement job at Isaac’s Way had been completed according to specifications. A packet of specs and report concerning Isaac’s Way was sent to Jim Shuris from Doug Andrysick. It is to be considered at January 2 meeting.

Board also received a request to extend the subdivision plan for Isaac’s Way. The board voted all in favor to approve an extension of the plan to January 31, 2014. The applicant, Clayton Mosher, will receive a memo to announce the board’s action.

Marie pointed out that the fee for ANR plans could be interpreted to either include or exclude the “original” lot. A recent ANR from Sal Balsamo created two lots from one parcel, and the one just signed for Jennifer Foss-Dexter created three lots from one parcel. They both paid $200. The board agreed to exclude the original lot from the “lot created” definition. They voted all in favor to refund Mr. Balsamo $100.

9:27 PM  All voted all in favor to adjourn.  

Respectfully Submitted
Marie Auger, Administrative Assistant

Referenced Documents:  

Letter and report from Andresick to Shuris dated Oct. 30, 2012
Subdivision plans from 2007 for Sadie’s Paradise
ANR plans and Form A for Foss-Dexter
Plans for Special Permit application for Staub
Plans for Special Permit application for Balsamo
Plans for Special Permit application for Stimson

Marie Auger
Administrative Assistant
Planning Department