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July 18, 2012
Regular Meeting
July 18, 2012

The planning board meeting was called to order at 7:30 PM. Present were Chairman Jerry Gannelli, John Mirick, Ann Neuburg, Tom Daly, Rick McCowan and Jon Fudeman.
Barbara Gates Accessory Apartment: Dan Ferguson presented architectural drawings on behalf of Barbara Gates for an informal review of an auxiliary apartment at 36 Esty Road. The planning board reviewed the drawings and discussed them with Mr. Ferguson. These plans met with the general approval of the planning board members. It was agreed to have a public hearing at the time of the August 22 meeting. John Mirick explained the application process.
Ethics issue: Jon Fudeman reported that he has spoken with John Lebeaux and with the State Ethics Commission about a possible conflict of interest concerning his participation in the Worcester Road Village District.~ His residence is in the proposed District.~ He feels that he may have a conflict under M.G.L. Ch. 268A, and that he should not participate. ~John Mirick noted that Planning Board members are Special Municipal Employees, rather than Municipal Employees, and that there may not be a conflict.~ Jon Fudeman will seek further guidance from the State Ethics Commission, but pending further guidance will not participate as a Planning Board member relative to the Worcester Road business district.
Worcester Road PAC Report: The planning board addressed proposed changes to zoning along Worcester road. Jon Fudeman recused himself from the discussion.  Several Princeton residents were present at the meeting and spoke on this issue. Cathy Conway addressed issues relative to Conway Construction and chairman Gannelli commented that Conway Construction was not in front of the planning board at that time. Sean Conway notified the meeting of his expectation to acquire land from which he will operate his business. Mrs. Comer read to the Board a letter from her husband and a letter from a realtor. There was an extended discussion by interested parties, including Mr. Conway.~ John Mirick outlined the process for considering what changes, if any, the Planning Board may recommend to Town Meeting, and the opportunities for input from landowners who may be affected.~ Jon Fudeman, speaking as a resident explained restrictions on businesses in the Worcester road business district due to area and frontage requirements relative to each principal use on a lot. John Goodale said there was limited support at the two Worcester Road PAC meetings for extending the business zone to the north. Mary Bulger agreed with John Goodale. Steve Brown explained he had formally been chairman of the ZBA and had worked on a committee in the past that had studied the issue of business in the southern portion of the Worcester road business zone and that the committee recommended residential use. Jerry Gannelli and Rick McCowan reaffirmed the advantage of breaking the Worcester Road PAC recommendation into two separate bylaw proposals. Edith Morgan expressed a preference for maintaining a rural look to Worcester road. Cal Calamari said he had not been notified of the PAC meetings. Phil Mighdoll and Sean Conway explained the committee had attempted to notify as many people as possible with a substantial mailing. Roger Davis requested that the PAC recommendations be posted on the town website. The Board will post the Recommendations of the Worcester Road Village District Project Advisory Committee.~ Jerry Gannelli encouraged all interested parties to check the posted agendas of the Board and to attend meetings at which the Worcester Road Village District is on the agenda
Justin Hebb: Justin Hebb met with the Board for an informal review of his application for an accessory apartment at 48 Hubbardston Road.~ He provided background on the history of the apartment contained within the building (which may have pre-dated zoning), and a floor plan which shows that the apartment is less than 1/3 of the total living space.~ The Board discussed the By-law provisions and procedures with him.~ A public hearing will be held on August 22, 2010.
Administrative Business: The board reviewed the minutes of the June 20 meeting and approved the minutes subject to two changes.
Other Business:  The board agreed to defer until the next meeting discussions of the fee comparison sheet, the Jim Shruris letter relative to Isaac's Way, and rules and regulations relative to the recording of site plan decisions.
The meeting adjourned at 9:10.
Respectfully Submitted

Jon Fudeman, clerk