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June 20, 2012
Regular Meeting
June 20, 2012
The meeting opened at 7:48 PM.  Present were: Chairman Jerry Gannelli, Jon Fudeman, John Mirick, Ann Neuburg and Rick McCowan. Tom Daly was absent.

WRVD PAC Recommendations
Jerry asked the board how they would like to move forward with the PAC recommendations for Worcester Rd.

Jon would like to see a preliminary bylaw drafted. John Mirick suggested the next step be creating a list of what is involved with moving forward recommendations for developing an overlay bylaw.

Jerry noted the PAC concluded that there should be two distinct areas of Worcester Rd; the village district and the area outside the village district. Rick suggests bringing two separate bylaws to town meeting.  The goal is to allow two uses on one lot in the southern portion. Rick noted that retail type use may create heavy traffic and will likely not get a lot of support. He suggests moving forward with northern portion which is less controversial.
Jon does not see a lot of support in the PAC Recommendations to expand business use in southern portion but did not know about relaxing the Home Occupation Bylaw.
Jerry said the intent is to accommodate needs for both those who desire to expand the use and those who do not and to develop guidelines as a means to accomplish both.
There was discussion on a 30 acre parcel in the southern portion; one idea is for a denser residential zone to be more compatible with existing use. Jerry believes that is considered spot zoning and will not support the idea and noted a bylaw should not be changed for a single lot.

Jon said as a resident of the neighborhood there is concern with Sean Conway’s construction business and feels there will be a lot of resistance to allow that type of use in the neighborhood. Jerry said any change in use will be based on a special permit; therefore guidelines will be in place to allow for any impact to the neighborhood.  John Mirick believes the board should consider and prepare for opposition to any change in the existing bylaw. He noted there should be a purpose for changing a bylaw or leaving as is.

Rick noted that Sean Conway withdrew his Special Permit application to operate a construction business a few years ago.

Jon will draft preliminary guidelines for the southern section. Jerry will research guidelines and bylaws.

Municipal User Fee Comparison
The board reviewed a memo from John Lebeaux requesting a comparison of municipal user fees from surrounding towns.  Brenda will provide a list of Planning Board filing fees at the next meeting for the board to review.

Administrative Business
Meeting Minutes
June 6, Regular Meeting – Jon moved to approve. John Mirick Seconded. (3 in favor, 1 abstained).
The board reviewed the mail.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:49 PM.  All were in favor.

Respectfully Submitted

Brenda Savoie
Administrative Assistant