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March 21 - Public Hearing
Public Hearing
March 21, 2012
The meeting opened at 7:32 PM.  Present were: Chairman Rick McCowan, Mark Canfield, Tom Daly, Jerry Gannelli, and John Mirick.

Public Hearing – Sprint Special Permit
Rick opened the hearing at 7:32 PM and read the legal notice as published in the March 1 & March 8, 2012 editions of Landmark. Alternate member Ann Neuburg was present; Tom Daly arrived during the presentation and did not participate as a Member.

Mark Cook representing Sprint Spectrum, L.P., reported that Sprint has antennas at the top of the tower which are connected through the unipole and enclosed by fencing.  They are proposing to
  • Swap out three existing antennas for three new ones slightly longer and within the sheathing
  • Add six Remote Radio Head units placed near the antenna to provide more efficiency and speed and allow less radio cabinets on the ground
  • Increase the housing from 20 inches to 36 inches in diameter for the portion as seen on the drawings
  • Swap out two cabinets and add one new cabinet which will be slightly larger on same concrete pad
  • Add one three foot by three foot fiber distribution box to enhance efficiency
  • There is no increase in height of the pole being proposed
Rick noted the reason for concealment is to be lease intrusive and now the proposal to have it less concealed. He asked if it could be done by running the diameter straight down.  Mr. Cook said it may not be possible without increasing the silhouette of the pole and even with the 16 inch diameter increase it will not be a substantial change on how it’s viewed, especially with tree canopy. The extended piece is 10 feet long.
Tom asked about issues with ice or wind.  A structural analysis report will be submitted with the building permit and a copy provided to the board.
Jerry asked about if noise is generated and if so would there be an increase with the proposed changes. Mr. Cook said the level is 65 decibels and will not change.
John asked if canister is sealed or if it remains open. It is sealed and wind will not get through.
Mark asked if going from 3g to 4g creates a change in energy or any environmental impact with radio waves. Mr. Cook said the site usage will be well below the maximum usage allowed by the FCC and is deemed to be safe. This change allows information to process quicker and to more subscribers.  
Rick asked the rest of the board about the diameter concern. The board finds it acceptable with the way it has been proposed.  Mark would like a stipulation that this be the largest the pole should ever become.  The board agreed to list in the conditions that any additional proposals will result in a new Site Plan Review.

Mr. Cook said the timeline is 45 days from start to finish. The applicant must repair any damage to Town roads caused by the crane or other equipment during installation.
Abutters, Town Boards and Departments were all notified of the application and no comments were received. John moved to close the public hearing at 8 pm Jerry seconded. All in favor (5-0).
John moved to approve the special permit restating the conditions on the original permit and adding the statement that it cannot be any larger on the top. Jerry seconded. All in favor (5-0).

Respectfully Submitted

Brenda Savoie
Administrative Assistant