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January 4, 2012 Public Hearing
Public Hearing
January 4, 2012
The meeting opened at 7:30 PM.  Present were: Chairman Rick McCowan, Mark Canfield, Tom Daly, Jerry Gannelli, and Ann Neuburg. John Mirick was absent for the hearing.

Public Hearing- Accessory Apartment - 13 Oak Circle
The hearing opened at 7:32 PM.  Rick read the notice as published in the Landmark on December 16 and December 23, 2011.  Thirteen abutters were notified. Part of the application includes a set of plans and a letter from Darrin Farnsworth stating he will remain the owner occupant of the home.
Rick noted the accessory apartment bylaw requires a combination of a Special Permit and Site Plan Review.
Darrin Farnsworth, 13 Oak Circle reported his plan is to build a single story
900 square foot accessory apartment that will be one bedroom and will match the existing home. There will be two separate driveways, the existing driveway and a new one to serve the accessory apartment.
Rick noted that the plot plan shows the existing house is 40 feet from the street line and asked if it is a preexisting non-conforming lot.  Darrin said he was unsure and that the house was built in 1986. The addition will not cause the lot to be more non-conforming and is being built within the current setback requirements.  The board reviewed the plans.

Dr.Aijlla, 8 Oak Circle said he is concerned with the 900 square foot size of the apartment. He feels it’s large in comparison to existing homes in the area. He is also concerned with the potential for other people to put apartments in their homes throughout town.
Rick explained the bylaw was developed and passed to allow the sharing of homes and is a restrictive bylaw which requires the owner to live in the home or apartment. If the property is sold, new buyers are required to reapply for a Special Permit.
Mrs. Aijlla is concerned about the addition of a second driveway.  Darrin said it is to ensure there will be no street parking.
There was discussion on whether the bylaw states it should be 1/3 of the new gross area or 900 square feet. The board will review this section of the bylaw in the future and determine if it needs clarification.
Dr.Aijlla said he feels this is already a done deal and the hearing is a waste of time.  He was upset and felt this is being forced on him.  Rick explained that the board takes the concerns of the public seriously and incorporates their ideas when possible.  
Mark asked what the public would like to see to make it better and asked Darrin if he would consider the concerns and do the driveway differently. Darrin said that was his only feasible option.
Bill McNary asked if the board went to the site. Rick said unless there is something unusual about the site, they do not.
Darrin mentioned he had conversations with direct abutters and they are in support of his plans.

Jerry moved to close the public hearing at 8:18 pm. Ann seconded. All in favor (5-0).

Mark said he is concerned about driveway and prefers not to have it paved. He would like a condition that the scope of the driveway be presented to the board prior to installation.  Mark moved that the board include a condition to address the position of driveway that attempts to eliminate a curb cut.  The motion was not seconded.

Jerry moved to approve the Special Permit with conditions and subject to the board reviewing list of conditions in writing.  Tom seconded.  4-1. Motion passes. Brenda will send draft to John for review and Tom will review final. The board will sign at the January 18 meeting. Darrin was informed that there is a twenty day appeal period after the board signs the decision.

Respectfully Submitted

Brenda Savoie
Administrative Assistant