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September 14, 2011`
Regular Meeting
September 14, 2011
The meeting opened at 7:30 PM.  Present were: Chairman Rick McCowan Tom Daly, Jerry Gannelli, and John Mirick. Mark Canfield was absent.

Review OSRD Definitive Plan - Crystoff
Rick reported that after a public hearing on November 17, 2010, a Special Permit for and OSRD was issued to Jo-Anne Crystoff for property on Sterling Rd.  The Special Permit is good for two years. The next step in the process is the Definitive Plan.  Jo-Anne reviewed the Definitive Plans with the board. Changes from the original plan include:
  • The addition of the shared driveway
  • The location of one well moved due to storm water run-off
  • Dry swale added resulting in loss of a portion of the vegetative buffer, which will require a plan to restore.
  • Dry wells for removing water from roof tops were added
  • Two off road parking spaces were added to access the conservation land
John asked how the lot line boundaries will be separated from the conservation land. Jo-Anne plans to use large rocks.
The board asked Jo-Anne to revised the plan and add the following:
  • Plan for marking the boundaries
  • Homeowner association covenants as required in the Special Permit
  • Plan for drainage for shared driveway
  • Plan to restore vegetative buffer being removed
Jim Shuris will be asked to review from the towns perspective. Jo-Anne will need to provide a performance bond once the amount is determined.

Post Office Place/Worcester Road Village District
The board reviewed the draft scope of the Post Office Place Overlay District written by CMRPC and the Master Plan Implementation section II-3, Worcester Road Village District. Discussion included:
  • What areas to should be included in the boundaries of the district
  • Concentrate on large existing parcels and leave what’s there as is
  • What parcels to include in a mixed use area
  • Extend district beyond Mountain Barn
  • Allow lower cost housing such as condos or apartments in mixed use area
  • New business should complement and not compete with existing businesses at Post Office Place.~
Jerry would like to see the existing business zone extended to other parcels for a mixed use area. Rick believes that would continue to spread out the problem strip even further.  Participation from residents will take place during a public forum. The draft bylaw will be posted on the website.
Tom moved to send CMRPC the draft bylaw, Master Plan Implementation section II-3, and the applicable section of the minutes. Jerry seconded. All in favor 4-0.  Rick will mark areas on map to include in the CMRPC packet.
Bob Mason recommends the board check for wet areas prior to rezoning.
Bruce Jacobson suggests containing the district over one area. Rud Mason said he was concerned that an extension of the business zone would compete with the current P.O. Place area.  

Other Business
Ann Neuburg attended the September CMRPC meeting and provided a copy of the presentation.

Meeting Minutes
August 24, 2011 Regular Meeting – Tom moved to accept the minutes. Jerry seconded. All in favor (4-0).

The meeting was adjourned at 9:10 PM.  All were in favor.

Respectfully Submitted
Brenda Savoie
Administrative Assistant