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December 7, 2011`
Regular Meeting
December 7, 2011
The meeting opened at 7:30 PM.  Present were: Chairman Rick McCowan, Mark Canfield, Tom Daly, Jerry Gannelli, and John Mirick.

Informal Meeting for a Special Permit – Accessory Apartment
Darrin Farnsworth met with the board to review the special permit process for adding an accessory apartment onto his existing home. The proposed addition will be 900 square feet, which is less than 1/3 of the gross dwelling. The board reviewed the plans. A plot plan showing where the new addition is situated will be provided. The board recommends having the land surveyed.  Darrin will work directly with the Board of Health on the septic system. The public hearing will take place on January 4, 2012.

Worcester Rd Project Advisory Committee (PAC) Update
Jerry met with the Selectmen on December 5. Eight people were appointed to serve on the PAC for a term to expire on June 30, 2012. Six live within the district and two do not. Jerry said the Selectmen want to ensure decisions are made on behalf of the entire town and that he assured them the committee will work to accomplish that. A kick off meeting will be scheduled after members are sworn in and Vera’s availability is determined.  Jerry will contact Vera to discuss charter and goals for the first meeting. A packet of material including CMRPC notes, sections of master plan and meeting minutes will be provided to members.

Review Summary of E. Princeton Village District Questionnaires
Mark provided a condensed summary of responses broken down to themes. The board needs to communicate to residents of the EPVOD what they understand their responses to be and bring them together in a forum to discuss zoning changes.  The combined responses will be shared with people in E. Princeton via the website and Landmark.  Mark suggests utilizing the CMRPC process currently being used for Worcester Rd. The board plans to hold a public forum for those in the district, possibly in January where findings will be presented and ideas discussed. The next step is to develop a zoning outline to present at a future meeting. Mark will develop an agenda for the public outreach meetings. An E. Princeton village district improvement committee may be established at a later date.

Meeting Minutes
November 16, Regular Meeting – Tom moved to accept the minutes. Jerry seconded. All in favor (5-0).

Administrative Business
Professional Engineer Review – Fees:  The board has used the services of Jim Shuris in the past and decided to research additional engineers and fees.  Rick received recommendations for Graves Engineering, Ross Associates, Tighe & Bond, and Coyle Engineering. Tom moved to allow Rick to contact firms and obtain fee schedules.  Jerry seconded. All in favor (5-0).
Doug Andrysick is also available. The board may utilize his services provided there is not a conflict of interest.

Other Business
Rick received a note from Larry Greene on the status of the Route 140 project through E. Princeton with encouraging news on improvements for the area.
Rick would like to share the information with residents in the area and will check with Larry.

Jerry talked with Glenn Lyons regarding the Highway Department’s ability to maintain low impact development.  At this time Glenn does not have the manpower or equipment to properly maintain. There was discussion about it being their responsibility to maintain drainage for any new subdivision.

The Road Advisory Committee chairman will be added to the distribution list for subdivision applications.

The board reviewed the mail.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:44 PM.  All were in favor.

Respectfully Submitted

Brenda Savoie
Administrative Assistant