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November 2, 2011`
Regular Meeting
November 2, 2011
The meeting opened at 7:30 PM.  Present were: Chairman Rick McCowan, Mark Canfield, Tom Daly, Jerry Gannelli, and John Mirick.

Preliminary Meeting with CMPRC Planner Vera Kolias- Worcester Road Village District
CMRPC Principal Planner Vera Kolias met with board to review the process for developing a Worcester Road Village District bylaw.  Vera provided a handout detailing the project deliverables, timeline, and overall process.
  • Public meetings, including a stakeholder forum will be held to gather community input
  • CMRPC will organize a follow up meeting to review results
  • The goal is to obtain a visioning process on how to frame the district.
  • Tom noted mixed use is open ended with both residential and commercial in one district.
Boards objectives:
  • Jerry would like to have an overall vision of what is feasible and where  
  • Rick noted there are large parcels of undeveloped land which should be part of the proposed district.  He sees conflicts with current zoning and hopes together with Vera to educate the public. Also, does not want to see the district spread out.
  • Tom doesn’t foresee changes in the area for many years and is not~looking for zoning to prevent a residential development in place of what otherwise would be a mixed use, particularly a large parcel as that would not be fair to current property owners.
  • John noted if the area is not rezoned it will be developed as residential; a decision must be made as a town whether or not to reserve the area for business. He would also like to research increasing the proposed zone.
  • Mark said educating stakeholders on available options is essential. The purpose of planning is to look to the future and promote planned growth. He envisions a thriving business area.
  • Economic guidance –Vera can provide a model using similar communities
A Project Advisory Committee (PAC) will be appointed and a contact person provided to Vera. The public forum will be held at the end of January to gather feedback.  The board thanked her for her time and looks forward to working together.

Discuss Recommendations for Project Advisory Committee (PAC)
The PAC will be appointed by the Board of Selectmen.  The committee will be a subcommittee of people working on the details and getting residents in the area involved.  The makeup will likely include two Planning Board members, a member of the Advisory Board, Historical Commission, Board of Selectmen, a business owner and residents in area. The Board of Selectmen will be asked to appoint a committee. Tom & Jerry volunteered to serve on it. Deb Bradway-Cassidy is interested and other members may include Bruce Jacobson, Karen Rossow, & Phil Mighdoll. Jerry and Tom will reach out to residents who put their names on a volunteer list for a proposed Worcester Rd. Village District.

Review Completed E. Princeton Village District Questionnaires
Rick noted the questionnaire indicated responses would be held in confidence and asked everyone to redact the names to respect the confidence of respondents. Out of 43 sent, 12 were completed and returned. Overall, people are disappointed in the lack of care and attention given to the area citing neglect of the sidewalks, the park, and lighting. The board needs to analyze responses have a consensus on the information. Mark offered to rank responses and present a summary of the central theme.

Administrative Business
The board signed the Site Plan Review decision for the OSRD on Sterling Road for Jo-Anne Crystoff.
Meeting Minutes:
October 19, 2011 Regular Meeting – John moved to accept the minutes as amended. Tom seconded. (5-0)

Other Business
Jerry noted CPRPC has an upcoming quarterly meeting.

The board reviewed the mail.

The meeting was adjourned at 9:14 PM.  All were in favor.

Respectfully Submitted

Brenda Savoie
Administrative Assistant