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August 24, 2011`
Regular Meeting – Town Hall Annex
August 24, 2011

The meeting was opened at 7:30 PM.  Present were Chairman Rick McCowan, Mark Canfield, Tom Daly, Jerry Gannelli, and John Mirick.  

Discuss Site Plan Review for 53 Worcester Road  

Doug Andrysick and Frankie Knapp presented a draft site plan for the construction of a barn proposed by Steve and Frankie Knapp, who have an agreement to purchase the property, subject to receiving permits for the barn.  Steve Knapp is an artist who plans to use the barn as his studio.  At present, he has a studio in Worcester.

The property is about 7 acres, and currently has a house with garage, a small horse barn, and a paddock.  The Knapps want to add onto the existing horse barn on the easterly side (away from Worcester Road), with a footprint for the addition of approximately 50x80 feet.  The proposed site is roughly equidistant from the southerly and northerly sides of the property, is downhill from Worcester Road, and is screened from view by existing vegetation, which will remain.  A small stream runs through the property.  The Conservation Commission has voted to issue an Order of Conditions for the proposed barn.

Steve Knapp does “light paintings” with small pieces of glass held in brackets, with small beams of light shining through the glass and making colored patterns.  Some of his pieces are very large. He needs a space with walls at least 40 feet long to be able to work on full size mockups.  He generally works on several projects at the same time.  The Board was given a book about his “light paintings.”

The pieces of glass are cut and polished in the studio. The noise is minimal, and is unlikely to be heard outside of the building.  In addition to the Knapps, there is one employee who does cutting and polishing.  No hazardous materials are used.  

Occasionally, a client will visit the studio, but there are no retail sales at the studio.  Delivery of supplies, and shipments of completed art, is usually by UPS.  The projects are packed in small boxes for shipment and then installed at the sites.  The existing access from Worcester Road to the horse barn would continue to be used, and would not need widening or relocation.

Jimmy O’Coin, 41 Worcester Road, abuts the property on the northerly side.  He has known the Knapps for 30 years and he spoke in favor of their plan and the Knapps becoming part of Princeton’s artistic community.

It was the sense of the Board that the barn as proposed would blend in, and would not have adverse impact on the neighborhood.  Mark expressed some concern about future uses for the barn.  Tom pointed out that any change in use would have to comply with bylaws.

Doug Andrysick says that the barn as an accessory structure will need a special permit because of the size, as well as site plan review.  The Board agreed that he could file a combined application (or both applications at the same time), pay only one fee, and there would be only one public hearing.  Doug was directed to work with Brenda on filing application(s) and determining the number of copies.  The target date for the public hearing is September 28.

The Board decided not to take a formal view.  Several members were already familiar with the site.  Individual members who want to view the site will make arrangements with Doug.

East Princeton Village Overlay District
The East Princeton Village Overlay was identified at the Board’s July meeting as one of the planning priorities for the 2012 Town Meeting.  The Board discussed how to move forward.  Two area residents were present and also contributed to the discussion.

Mark commented that he liked the area, would like to see it be more of a village, and really saw the need for sidewalks.  He’d like to see some way to slow down the traffic.  Use of Mechanics Hall is a key issue for the area. If Mechanics Hall is not in the business district, the Board will probably want to consider recommending an extension of the business district to include the property.  Tom is on a committee that will meet on September 13 to consider opportunities and challenges for using Mechanics Hall, which is currently surplus Town property.

The Board felt that area residents should have opportunities to get involved.  The Board discussed asking the Select Board to appoint a committee including area residents, but decided that the Board first needed to be able to articulate for the Select Board what the Board saw as issues/charges to be given to the committee, and that this process needed an informational meeting with area residents.  

The Board decided to use the Board meeting on September 14 to discuss the process and formulate some questions and bullet points to be sent to area residents, and to have an informational meeting with area residents of October 5.

Post Office Place

Post Office Place was also identified at the Board’s July meeting as one of the planning priorities for the 2012 Town Meeting.  The Board discussed how to move forward.  About a dozen area residents were present and contributed to the discussion.

Town Meeting appropriated funds to enable the Board to use the Central Massachusetts Regional Planning Commission in the planning process. The Board needs to decide how to use CMRPC.

In preparing for the 2011 Town Meeting, there had not been enough input from area residents, with the result that the Board asked that the article not be presented.  Several of the residents commented that they wanted to know what was being considered for 2012, and that they wanted to participate.  Rick explained that our agendas are always posted on the Town website, and that meetings are always open.

The Board needs to explore what, if anything, might be done, for the benefit of the Town and the area residents.  As part of the Master Plan, the Town can shape development.  When residences are constructed in an area zoned for business, this can result in some friction between business uses and residential uses.  If the area zoned for business in reduced, any existing business uses will be grandfathered.

The Board decided that there should be a three step approach: a Board meeting to formulate questions and bullet points to be sent to area residents; a Board meeting with community input; and then involvement by CMRPC.

Approval of Minutes for July 13
There was a typo on the first full paragraph on page 2, which should read “…to remove layer from the map.”  With that correction, the minutes were approved, 4-0. Mark was not at the July 13meeting and abstained.

Review Mail

There was no mail to review.

Other Business


The meeting was adjourned at 8:55.  All were in favor.

Respectfully Submitted

John O. Mirick, Secretary