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June 1, 2011`
Regular Meeting
June 1, 2011
The meeting opened at 7:30 PM.  Present were: Chairman Tom Daly, Mark Canfield, Jerry Gannelli, Rick McCowan, and John Mirick.

Welcome John Mirick
The board welcomed John as a new member and told him they are pleased to have him on board.

Annual Reorganization of the Board
Rick moved to nominate Tom to continue as Chairman of the Board. Jerry seconded. 2 in favor, 3 opposed.  Tom suggested Rick be nominated since he has not held that position to date.  
Tom moved to nominate Rick as Chair. Mark seconded. All in favor (5-0).
Rick moved to nominate Jerry as Vice Chair. Tom seconded. All in favor (5-0).
Rick moved to nominate John as Clerk. Jerry seconded. All in favor (5-0).
Tom moved to nominate Jerry to continue as the CMRPC representative. Rick seconded. All in favor (5-0).

Special Municipal Employee Designation
Tom reported that John Lebeaux sent a message suggesting that the Planning Board members request designation as Special Municipal Employees.
John Mirick said that the Massachusetts Conflict of Interest Law (Ch.  268A) states that town employees cannot receive compensation, directly or indirectly, from anyone other than the Town on any matter in which the Town has an interest.  Planning Board members, by statute, are Municipal Employees.   John Mirick a partner in a law firm that occasionally represents clients on matters involving the Town.  Fees paid by law firm are indirect compensation to him as a partner.  If he is a Special Municipal Employee, that type of indirect compensation is allowed.  Under Ch. 268A,  the entire board must be designated as Special Municipal Employees. John is asking the board to make a request to the Board of Selectmen asking to be designated Special Municipal Employees.
Rick moved to request the Board of Selectmen designate the Planning Board as Special Municipal Employees. Tom seconded. All in favor (5-0).

Building Inspector Request to Revise Zoning Bylaw Section VI
The board continued discussion on a request from Building Inspector John Wilson asking the board to clarify the language in Section VI (G) of the Zoning Bylaws.  In situations where the deed is unclear or in the case of an easement, the change may cause additional confusion. The board would like John Wilson to attend the next meeting to discuss in detail.

Zoning Change Checklist
The board reviewed the checklist.
Tom moved to accept the checklist as written and to be inserted as an appendix to Section 8 of the Rules and Regulations. Jerry seconded. All in favor (5-0).

Upcoming Meeting Dates
The August meeting will be held on the 24th.

Meeting Minutes
May 18, 2011 Regular Meeting – Tom moved to accept the minutes. Jerry seconded. John abstained. (4-0).

Other Business

The meeting was adjourned at 8:15 PM.  All were in favor.

Respectfully Submitted

Brenda Savoie
Administrative Assistant