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June 15, 2011`
Regular Meeting
June 15, 2011
The meeting opened at 7:30 PM.  Present were: Chairman Rick McCowan, Mark Canfield, Tom Daly, Jerry Gannelli, and John Mirick.

Building Inspector Request to Revise Zoning Bylaw Section VI
Building Inspector John Wilson said he would like to see a change in the language in Section VI (G) of the Zoning Bylaws. John feels the bylaw is confusing in that it refers to the street line and not the street lot line. Applicants have assumed it refers to the edge of the pavement, which is not the case and has resulted in requiring an applicant to remove a foundation.
Rick questioned how it would be measured in a case involving an easement. John Wilson said it would defer to the language in the easement.  
John Mirick suggests changing the language to read “property line border” as written in Section B. John Wilson prefers further clarification and suggests using “front property line”.  John Mirick will draft change for review at the next meeting.

Review Town Plan Guide & Goals for FY12
  • John Wilson would like to see improvement with the Sign Bylaw relative to temporary signs for new businesses.
  • Mark suggests creating a survey for town boards and committees to offer their suggestions. Mark will draft.
  • John Mirick noted that underground power lines were faster to repair during the ice storm and suggested making that a requirement for any new development. Rick will ask Jon Fitch for feedback.  Mark mentioned that may be difficult with ledge, wetlands, and other topographical issues.
  • Rick asked the board to review the Town Plan Guide and prioritize items for the next meeting.
Meeting Minutes
John drafted a correction to the minutes to clarify the discussion on Special Municipal Employee designation.  The board agreed to make the change.

June 1, 2011 Regular Meeting – Mark moved to accept the minutes as amended. Jerry seconded. All in favor (5-0).

Other Business
The meeting was adjourned at 8:10 PM.  All were in favor.

Respectfully Submitted
Brenda Savoie
Administrative Assistant